• 13.03.2025

Department of Stage Plasticity and Physical Education

  • ҚазҰӨА
  • Department of Stage Plasticity and Physical Education

Professorial and teaching staff

The Department of” stage plasticity ” aims to improve the scientific and creative level of the teaching staff in the training of specialists in culture and art, develop their creativity, combine the rich experience of art workers and the bold ideas of young students.

The Department of stage plasticity was opened in 1978 at the Faculty of theater arts and variety. The founder of the department is a graduate of this academy, Professor Kulbayev Aman bekenovich.

During this time, zh.Kapesov, G. Akylbekova, K. Zhumagaliyev, T. Aitkozhanov, B. Baizhumanova, A. Kumarzhanov, A. Shankibayeva, R. Aitkozhanova, N. Goncharova, B. Bakharova, G. Dauletkulova, A. Akhan worked as the best in training future actors.

The main place for the profession of an actor is occupied by mastering the most necessary motor activity – motor movements, as well as the education of a number of physical and psychophysical abilities among students. Subjects” dance”,” stage Movement”,” Stage competition”,” Musical and rhythmic education ” Kulbayev A. B., Kapesov zh.N., Shankibaeva A.Teachers B., Bakharova G. G., Dauletkulova G. A., Akhan zh., Tokeeva A. T., Bailin A. I.

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