• 13.03.2025

International competition ” The best poster report “


Apr 18, 2024

International competition “
The best poster report “ among second-year master’s students creative universities within the framework of the annual Science Week

On April 10, 2024, the Research Center for Postgraduate Education (scientific and editorial department in conjunction with the Department of Postgraduate Education) of the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts held the International competition “The best poster report -2024” among second-year undergraduates of art universities at the Academy’s annual Science Week.

The scientific and editorial department of KazNAA developed and sent information letters on the online competition for poster reports on various types of art with an invitation to participate in the competition in 11 universities. Those, who responded to the invitation:

1) «Turan» University (Almaty);

2) Altai State Institute of Culture (Russian Federation);

3) Urgench State Pedagogical Institute (Republic of Uzbekistan);

4) Kazakh National Academy of Choreography (Astana);

5) Kazan State Institute of Culture (Russian Federation);

6) Russian-Tajik Slavonic University (Republic of Tajikistan).

In the information letter, the deadline for accepting applications from undergraduates was set to April 1, 2024.

The staff of the scientific and editorial department developed the design of the poster for the competition. Information about the competition was posted on the official website of the academy.

The purpose of the competition: generalization of the results of research work of undergraduates in the field of modern problems of culture and art, demonstration of innovative achievements of research activities of young scientists.

The competition was open and was held in one round.

The total number of master students participating in the competition: 18 people, but 3 master students from the Altai State Institute of Culture did not participate in the competition.

List of contest participants, topics of reports, supervisors,

contact information:

The competition was held in an online format on the ZOOM platform in accordance with the Regulations on the International Competition “The Best Poster Report” among second-year undergraduates.

By order of the rector A. Zhudebayev the competition commission was approved:


1) K.Z.Khalykov – Vice-rector for scientific work of the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor (Almaty);


1) Maitdinova Guzel Maitdinovna – PhD in Art History, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Foreign Regional Studies and Foreign Policy of the Russian-Tajik Slavonic University (Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe);

2) Rakhimov Rustamboy – Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of Art History of Urgench State Pedagogical Institute (Republic of Uzbekistan, Urgench);

3) Sergey Sergeevich Gribov – PhD in Art History, Associate Professor of the Department of Choreography, Altai State Institute of Culture (Altai region, Barnaul);

4) Nauryzbaeva Almira Beketovna – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy.


М.S. Kurmanbaeva – methodologist of the department of postgraduate education of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after Temirbek Zhurgenov (Almaty).

Competition moderator:

А. A. Kulshanova – Head of the Research Center for Postgraduate Education, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor;

The Competition Committee evaluated the participants in their five-minute MS PowerPoint presentations according to the following criteria:

  • Relevance of the scientific project;
  • Assessment of the scientific merits of a scientific project;
  • Research nature of work, novelty of research, originality and complexity;
  • Scientific and practical significance of the results obtained;
  • Manufacturability (the possibility of introducing research results into the educational process or production);
  • Presentability of the report, content and expediency of reasoning, originality of thinking;
  • Oral presentation: consistency and clarity of presentation, convincing reasoning;
  • Clarity of answers to the questions posed, the level of proficiency in special terminology.

By the decision of the competition commission, the winners of the competition were distributed as follows – one first place, two second places, three third places.

List of winners of the international online competition

“The best poster report” among second-year master students of creative universities:


Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts

Syrgabaev Sanzhar Bolatkanuly «Прогресс сызықтары: суретші Ордабеков шығармашылығындағы стиль мен тақырыптың эволюциясы».

Supervisor: Orazkulova K.S.- candidate of philosophy, associate professor


Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts

Mukanov Zhanat Kanatovich «Домбыра күйлерiнiң академиялық орындаушылық ерекшелiктерi».

Supervisor: Alseitova R.K. – candidate of art history, associate professor

Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts

Nauken Madiyar Naukenuly «Заманауи театр бағыттары: постдрамалық театр».

Scientific adviser: Sakhaman A. J. – PhD, senior lecturer of the department of “Acting and Directing”


Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts

Nurgalieva Asel Nurzhigitovna «Управление структурой инструментов кино-маркетинга в контексте позиционирования коммерческого кино на конкурентном рынке»

Scientific advisor Musaeva A.A. – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of “Art Management and Production”.

Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts

Akzholtay Ulagat Narymbekuly «Новая парадигма в современной скульптуре Казахстана: фактор национальной идентичности».

Supervisor: Mukanov M.F.- PhD, associate professor of the department of “Fine Arts”

Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts

Kim Eugenia Anatolievna «Графический дизайн как фaктop решения хакерских угроз в Казахстане: история, теория, практика».

Supervisor: Imanbaeva J.A. – Doctor of PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of “Design”

According to the new Regulations of the competition for the first time in the history of the competition the competition committee established and awarded diplomas in the following nominations:

In the nomination “musical art”

Mauetbek Lunara Mauetbekkyzy – Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts

Yuldashev Sarvarbek Uktambay ugli Urgench State Pedagogical Institute (Urgench, Republic of Uzbekistan).

In the nomination “theater art”

Natalya Sergeyevna Kostina – Kazan State Institute of Culture (Russian Federation)

In the nomination “Film and TV”

Dauren Nurlanovich Orazaly (Turan University, Almaty)

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