• 22.02.2025

«Мәдени құндылықтар мен әлемдік тенденциялар трансформациясы дәуіріндегі Қазақстан сценографиясы»


Nov 8, 2023

November 9, 2023, 11:00 a.m.

In the hall of the library of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after Temirbek Jurgenov, there will be held a ROUND TABLE, devoted to the 75th anniversary of Esengeldi Tuyakov, Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Associate Professor of the Department of Scenography

On November 9, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. in the library hall of the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, at the “scenography” department will host a ROUND TABLE, devoted to the 75th anniversary of Esengeldi Tuyakov, Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Associated Professor of the scenography department, on the topic “Kazakhstan scenography in the era of transformation of cultural values and world trends” with the participation of public figures, theater experts, scenography researchers.

The round table will discuss: creative achievements of the jubilee E.Zh. Tuyakov, trends in the development of modern scenography in Kazakhstan, training of theater artists, multimedia scenographers, lighting designers and stage managers, in the context of modern scenography requirements. The discussion will be held by public figures, theater directors, directors, theater experts, scenography researchers and graduates of the Academy.

Moderator: Kabyl Khalykov – Doctor of philosophy, Professor, Vice-Rector for Research of the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts.

Invited guests:

Esengeldi Tuyakov – Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Associate Professor of the Department of Scenography

Nurbakyt Bokebayev – Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, director of the Abay National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet.

Aman Kulbaev – Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, Academician of the National Academy of Natural Sciences, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Arts, Professor of the Department of “Scenic Arts and Physical Education” of the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts.

Saniya Kabdieva – Honored Figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, candidate of art studies, professor of the Department “History and Theory of Theater” of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after Temirbek Jurgenova.

Aliya Bopezhanova – Honored Figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of the International Literary Prize “Alash” and the National Prize “Sakhnager”.

Aubakir Rahimov – Honored Figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Knight of the Order “Parasat”, Professor of the Department “Acting Mastery and Directing” of the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts

Murat Saparov – main Artist and Scenographer of the Mukhtar Auezov Kazakh National Drama Theater.

Meruert Zhanguzhinova – PhD, head of the “Scenography” department of the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, Associate Professor.

Sangul Karzhaubaeva – Doctor of Art Studies, Professor of the Department “Scenography” of the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts.

Orynbasar Zhanbyrshiev – Honored Figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor of the Department “Scenography” of the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts.

Zhannat Baimukhanova – Master of Art, Senior Teacher of the department “Scenography” of the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts.

Burkitbayev Anuar Kazbekuly – master of art, senior teacher of the department “Scenography” of the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy.

Also, students, members of the department, students of the Academy, graduate students, doctoral students and colleagues and students of scenographer Esengeldy Tuyakov will take part in the event.

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