• 26.03.2025

Foreign languages week


Apr 28, 2022

On April 18-23, 2022, at T.K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts the  closing ceremony of foreign languages week entitled “Art will save the world” took place. The Department of Foreign languages and APK hosted this eventful occasion, with participation of the Academy students under the head of the department, Associate Professor Zh.S. Kanlybaeva’s guidance.

The week was opened with an exhibition of creative students’ works and presentations in German “Die Kunst wird die Welt retten” surpervised by lecturer G.O.Kuatova. Senior lecturers J.S.Sultan and K.Zh.Turemuratova organized quiz «The spirit of art» and video clips content on the theme «The place where I live», senior lecturer B.T.Alpeisova and associate professor A.A.Tautenbayeva held a debate «Tolerance in film making». Literary lounge dedicated to William Shakespeare in collaboration with Abylai Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages students was organized by Associate Professor A.O. Iskakova and Senior Lecturer B.T. Alpeisova.

The most significant event of the week was English Language Olympiad «Speech Contest 2022» among creative specialties universities and colleges students of Kazakhstan. The Olympiad was held in the format of the Tedtok Contest aimed at developing public speaking skills in English.  48 applications from 14 educational institutions of the Republic were submitted including such universities as Kazakh National University of Arts ,  Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory , Kazakh State Architecturally-construction Academy, Turan University,  Kazakh National Academy of Choreography, M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University,  KazNPU, and colleges: D.Nurpeysova Academy of Folk Music (Atyrau Music College), Mangistau College of Arts (Aktau), P. Tchaikovsky Almaty Music College, A. Zhubanov Aktyubinsk Music College (Aktobe), T.K. Zhurghenov college of KazNAA, etc. The panel of judges of the Olimpiad included representatives of Kazakh National University of Arts (Nur-Sultan), KazNPU, P. Tchaikovsky Almaty Music College.

This year, participants of P.Tchaikovsky Almaty Music College, D.Nurpeisova Academy of Folk Music (Atyrau Music College of Atyrau) and A. Zhubanov Aktyubinsk Music College (Aktobe) became prizewinners among college students. Among university students the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes were shared by students of the Kazakh National University of Arts (Nur-Sultan), the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory and  T.Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts.

At the end of the week, students of the Academy under guidance of Associate Professor A.O.Iskakova and lecturer T.S.Kim took part in Shakespeare’s Day at ALMAU and won 1st prize in plays acting contest and 2nd prize in sonnet reciting.

Organizing foreign languages week ​​has become a traditional event being held by Foreign Languages Department ​​and APK of the Academy, every year this event gives substance to a new content, but the main goal is to develop students’ spiritual education and to form intercultural communication personality.

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