Master class
On November 1, 2023, within the walls of the Academy of Arts, as part of the 75th anniversary of Professor…
On November 1, 2023, within the walls of the Academy of Arts, as part of the 75th anniversary of Professor…
On November 29, the 1st stage of the Republican Student Olympiad on educational programs “6B02195 Film Studies” was held at…
Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after Temirbek Zhurgenov Faculty of Theater Arts. Department of Stage Speech Passed the 1st…
“Painting, Sculpture and Design”, Department of Design. Summing up the results of the intra-university stage of the Republican student subject…
«ҚАЗАҚСТАН ТАРИХЫ ЖƏНЕ ƏЛЕУМЕТТІК ҒЫЛЫМДАР» КАФЕДРАСЫ «Қазақстан Республикасының Тəуелсіздік күні» 2023 жылдың 14 желтоқсанында музыкалық жəне хореография факультеттерінің 1 курс…
On 04.12.2023 at the faculty «Choreography» the first stage of the Republican subject Olympiad was held, in which the students…
According to the method of standing, tapping is an ornament on the bracelet, making a trace. Methods of manufacturing by…
One of the founders of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after Temirbek Zhurgenov is the best in the…
The opening ceremony and the meeting were attended by Honored Figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professors, famous artists, designers,…