• 22.02.2025

“The importance of multimodal stress management in the preparation of future theater workers (art workers)”


Nov 7, 2023

November 07, 2023 16.00
Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts hosted a Work-shop
Alena Garber PhD, associate professor, psychotherapist (Germany)
on the topic: “The importance of multimodal stress management in the preparation of future theater workers (art workers)” for Master’s Students, Doctoral Students and Teaching Staff of the Academy.

In the cinema hall, the master class was listened to with interest by students of the music, scenography, theater and cinema faculties, master’s students, doctoral students and teaching staff of the academy. Before the start of the master class, Vice-Rector for Research Khalykov K.Z. presented the Diploma of Honorary Professor of the Academy (by the Decision of the Academic Council of Temirbek Zhurgenov KazNAA, protocol No. 3 of November 26, 2023) Alena Garber PhD, Associate Professor – for her contribution to the training of scientists and creative specialists.
During the master class, Professor A. Garber, as a psychotherapist at the Reinhardshöhe rehabilitation clinic (Germany), associate professor at the University of Modern Sciences (Netherlands), staged a lecture-master class on the topic “Stress in the work of a theater worker (art worker) ); Types of multimodal stress management and the need for their application in the training of future theater workers (art workers) at the university; Anxiety states of future theater workers (art workers) and their overcoming based on modern strategies of multimodal stress management; Preserving the mental health of the future theater worker (art worker) as a task of a modern university.
In 2019, she participated together with a group of scientists from Leibniz University in a scientific and practical conference on psychology dedicated to Professor S.K. Berdibaeva at the Zhurgenov Academy of Arts. Professor Garber A.I., Reshke K.H. published a number of articles in the scientific publication “Central Asian Journal of Art Studies.” Under her advisory guidance, doctoral dissertations were defended in Kazakhstan. At the moment, noted A.I. Garber continues to provide advisory supervision to doctoral students in Kazakhstan.
At the end of the master class, Professor A. Garber presented educational training programs for the Academy’s library, written by the authors A.I. Garber, L.Sh. Karapetyan, K.-H. Tails. “Manage stress with optimism!”, “Stress erkennen, verstehen und bewaltigen.” Students of the Academy’s theater and music department demonstrated their art and presented gifts to the guests.

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