• 27.02.2025

Naimantayeva Maira

Naimantayeva Maira

Senior Teacher

Master of science 6N0726 – Technology of goods and products of textile and sewing industry

Academic and practical experience:
Datesfrom September 1, 2017
  Occupation or position heldSenior Teacher in department of “Scenography”
 Name and address of employerT. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, Almaty          
Type of business or sector Teaching
Dates 01.09.2013 – 28.09.2017
  Occupation or position held Training master, Senior Teacher in department of “Scenography and fashion design”
 Name and address of employer T. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, Almaty          
Type of business or sector Тeaching and technical-organizational activities
Dates 18.01.2010 –26.08.2013 г.
  Occupation or position held Teacher of special subjects of a sewing production
 Name and address of employerTechnological, economic college «Almaty Technological University» JSC, Almaty
Type of business or sector Тeaching
Dates 09.2006 –  01.2010 г.
  Occupation or position held Teacher of special disciplines of sewing production
 Name and address of employer Academy of Fashion Business “Symbat”, Almaty
Type of business or sector Тeaching
Dates 08.2005-09.2006 г.
  Occupation or position heldMaster of industrial training for the profession “Tailor”
 Name and address of employer Professional lyceum №3, Almaty
Type of business or sector Тeaching
Dates 09.2000 – 07.2005 г.
  Occupation or position held Theatrical costume ‘s tailor
 Name and address of employer M. Auezov Kazakh Academic Drama Theater, Almaty
Type of business or sector Production and technical activities
Dates 03.1999 – 07.2000 г.
  Occupation or position heldLabor class teacher
 Name and address of employerGymnasium №149, Almaty
Type of business or sector Тeaching
Dates 19.09.1994-17.01.1996 г.
  Occupation or position held(concurrently) teacher of special disciplines of sewing garment
 Name and address of employer Higher technical lyceum №3, Almaty
Type of business or sector Тeaching
Dates 07.1985-04.1998 г.
  Occupation or position heldSeamstress of the 4th category of mass and experimental line, acceptance inspector of materials cutting and preparatory workshop
 Name and address of employer1st May’s Almaty Sewing Production Association, Almaty                
Type of business or sectorProduction-technical activity
Subjects taught:
Materiology, Costume making technology, Costume Construction, Making а costume in the material
Creative, research and innovation activities:
 2020, September  Diploma “Grand Prix” in the nomination “Theater of Fashion” with the collection “Renaissance” was awarded to students of the 5th year of specialization “Costume of theatre, cinema and TV” (“OTUKEN” group) with participation in the II International multi-genre festival-competition of children’s, youth and adult creativity “Turkish Patterns”, held in the framework of the international project “Muse” September 19-30, 2020, Kemer, Turkey. (Organizers: International association of arts and sport “Lucky People” http://association-lp.ru/otchety-o-konkursakh  код доступа 21898765 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-tFyIBUhLZWpm5qma6J1xQ/
2020, September   Diploma “Laureate of the 1st degree” in the nomination “Ethnic style” with the collection “Minez Renі”was awarded to students of the 5th year of specialization “Costume of theatre, cinema and TV” (“OTUKEN” group) with participation in the II International multi-genre festival-competition of children’s, youth and adult creativity “Turkish Patterns”, held in the framework of the international project “Muse” September 19-30, 2020, Kemer, Turkey. (Organizers: International assotiotion of arts and sport “Lucky People” http://association-lp.ru/otchety-o-konkursakh  код доступа 21898765 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-tFyIBUhLZWpm5qma6J1xQ/
2017-2018 academic yearА diploma of the first degree in the Republican competition of the best research institutes among university students Kazakhstan in the 2018-2019 academic year was awarded  research work of the student (NIRS) of the 3rd year specialization “Theater, Film and TV Costume” by Seydin Abzal on the topic “ Qazaq kostumi – qazaq halqynyn ulttyq salt dasturinin korsetkishi retinde”. Scientific adviser – Senior Teacher of the department “Scenography” Naimantayeva M.T.
апрель 2018 г.Diploma of 2 degrees in the category “Ethnostyle” at the city competition “KazNPU – Fashion days” (collection “Minez reni” of second year students of the specialization “Costume”, created under the guidance of the senior teacher of the department “Scenography” Naymantayeva M.T., 2018, April
2017-2018 academic yearThe research work of students (SRWS) of the 2nd course of specialization “Costume of theater, cinema and TV” of Skakov Madina and Seydin Abzal on the theme “Costume as an object of art” was awarded a diploma of I degree in the Republican competition of the best SRWS among students of universities of Kazakhstan in 2017- 2018 academic year. Supervisor – Senior Teacher of the Department of “Scenography” Naymantaeva M.T.
 http://youtu.be/OfinVDhcXyU – creative works in the material, made by Naimantayeva M.T. for the humorous theater “Teriskaqpay”
 http://ped.kz/blogs/teatr-kostyum/-ter-s-a-pai-teatryny-kostyumder.html – work in the preparation and holding of the children’s humorous competition “Bizbikesh”
2018, November The article “Unsisdiktin shesheni” in co-authorship with the Honored worker of Naimantaev A. A. Materials of the conference “Modern tendencies of development of theatrical art in the context of the program “Ruhani jangyru”, in the section “Competitive professional education – the basic of spiritual revival of the nation”, Almaty, Kazakh national Academy of arts named after T. Zhurgenov,19.11.2018
2018, September The article “San-saltanaty zharaskan “Astana Opera” teatry” in co-authorship with doctor of art Karjaubaeva S. K. Newspaper “Almaty akshamy”, No. 103(5610) from 13.09.2018 G. on page 10. http://almaty-akshamy.kz/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/ak103.pdf).
2017, MarchThe article “Stage costume: the specifics of the ornament in the Kazakh costume.” The second volume of the collective monograph “Preservation, development and integration of the cultural heritage of Hungary and Kazakhstan”. Sombaheli, Hungary. 2017 February-March – p. 288, pages: 308-318 p. 0.87 printed sheets. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/9jg6/ZCDYHbJrj
2017, MarchArticle: “Globalization and Culture” (“Zhaһandanu zhәne madeniet”). Co-authored: AA Naimantaev, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference “Theatrical art in the modern era. Theory and Experience “(Section No. 1. Theater Art. Actual Problems of World Theater and Interaction of Cultures) on the International Theater Day: – Almaty, March 28, 2017, pp.43-47 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/LiBT/DfYXZ8qXt
2016, SeptemberArticle: “Typical elements of the ornament, characteristic of the Kazakh costume.” Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Cinema, Television and New Media: Language, Technologies, Models” (Section 3. Theater and Choreographic Art: Conceptual Issues of Stage Design), timed to coincide with the 6th International Film Festival “Bastau” student films and film schools: – Almaty, October 27, 2016, pp.94-101 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/6GT5/xkeVxFYkj
2015, November Article “The role of the artist-designer in the modern stage”. (“Bygingi estradadagy suretshi onerinrn manysy”). Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “The problems and prospects of modern theater”” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the first professional stage director, a eminent teacher, Professor A.Tokpanov and 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate, Almaty, November 27-28, 2015, pages: 122-125 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/5wns/WsQHj3tR1
2015, FebruaryArticle: «Competition  “Bizbekeshter”. Educational value» (“Bizbikeshter” zharysy. Tarbielik mani”). Republican public pedagogical and psychological publication ” Education of children “(Bala tarbiesi), 2015, ¹3; p. 9, 49 and on the website http://ped.kz – “Social portal of teachers of Kazakhstan” from February 3, 2015  https://cloud.mail.ru/public/Kdvf/7b3avEq5j https://cloud.mail.ru/public/KjNm/5rorf9V6G
Monographs, textbooks:
2015Guidelines for the implementation of independent work of students on discipline “Technology of making costime-1” for students of specialization “Costume theater, film and TV” is printed in the printing house of Kazakh national Academy of arts named after T. Zhurgenov, Almaty, 2015,-118 pages (7,37 printed pages) edition 100 copies – regularly used by students in the classroom.ISBN 978-601-265-186-7 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/Kji8/Ytas5bEoo
Awards, diplomas:
2020, December“Certificate of honour” from the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For years of worthy work in the field of art, sports, tourism and for a significant contribution to the development of the industry and the upbringing of the younger generation in the spirit of preserving historical values”
2020, September“Diploma of gratitude” “For contribution to the development of young talents and assistance in the development of the cultural heritage of the country” from the Organizing Committee of the II International Multi-Genre Festival-Competition of Creativity “Turkish Patterns”, held as part of the international project “Muse” on September 19-30, 2020, Kemer, Turkey
2019«Letter of gratitude» from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For active participation in the competition of the best student research works among the universities students of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
2016, December  “Сertificate of honor” from the rector of KazNAI named after T. Zhurgenov B.N. Nusipzhanova “for active participation in public work and for conscientious work in the upbringing and training of the younger generation” on December 2016 
phone numbers:mobile phone: 87012042267 landline phone: 8(727) 2792159
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