• 24.02.2025

Gala concert of the Festival of Traditional Music of the Peoples of Central Asia


Oct 15, 2022

Gala concert of the Festival of Traditional Music of the Peoples of Central Asia, held within the framework of International scientific and practical Conference

“Traditions of oral musical professionalism and modernity” for the 80th anniversary of Doctor of Art History, Professor Mukhambetova A.I.

On October 14, at the Educational Theater at 18.30, a Gala concert of the Festival of Traditional Music of the Peoples of Central Asia and the closing of the Festival took place.

The program of the Gala concert included traditional music from the eastern and western regions of Central Asia – Southern Siberia (Khakassia, Tuva, Altai), Kazakhstan and Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan, Tajikistan).

Ai Charykh Kuchen (Khakassia) Choduraa Tumat (Tuva) Esenbol Begaliev (Kyrgyzstan) Salamat Ayapov (Karakalpakstan) Abror Zufarov (Uzbekistan)
Ensemble of the Makom Academy of Tajikistan consisting of: Abduvali Abdurashidov, Ozoda Ashurova, Zoir Khaydarov, Dilrabo Abdurashidova, Iskandar Abdurashidov (Tajikistan)
Performers of song, instrumental and epic traditions (an-kuy-zhyr) of the eastern and western regions of Kazakhstan Bakdaulet Algys Tileules Kurmangaliev Mariam Usen Talgat Abugazin Abdulkhamit Raimbergenov Saule Zhanpeisova

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