• 23.02.2025



Nov 23, 2021

DEPARTMENT OF «FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND APK» INTERNATIONAL ROUND TABLE «PEOPLE OF KAZAKHSTAN: FROM THE PAST TO THE FUTURE» within the program Rukhani zhangyru, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan

On November 17, 2021, International round table «PEOPLE OF KAZAKHSTAN: FROM THE PAST TO THE FUTURE» was held on ZOOM platform.

The program of the round table

Link to video


The organizer of the international round table was the Department of Foreign Languages and APK.

The International Round Table was attended by scientists and teachers from the countries of the near and far abroad:


Republic of Ingushetia (Magas) – SAMPIEV Israpil Magometovich

Kabardino-Balkaria (Nalchik) – AKKIEVA Svetlana Ismailovna

Stavropol Territory (Pyatigorsk) – Asiyat Kazievna BOTASHEVA

Chechen Republic (Grozny) – ABDULVAKHABOVA Birlant Borz-Alievna

As well as members of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, members of the Scientific and Expert Council of the APK, representatives and members of Ethno-Cultural associations, employees of the House of Friendship, teaching staff, students, undergraduates, doctoral students of T.Zhurgenov KazNAA.

The moderators of the international round table were:

 Professor Shaimerdenova M.Zh,

Associate Professor Tautenbayeva A.A.

The opening remarks had the Vice-rector for Science – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Kabyl Zamanbekovich Khalykov.

The welcome remarks done by:

MAMSUROV Kazbek Vladimirovich – head of the Ossetian Cultural and Educational Center “Irnykhas”, member of the NEG APK of Almaty, Kazakhstan

AKKIYEVA  Svetlana Ismailovna – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor. Leading researcher at the Institute for Humanities research. Honored worker of science of Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Nalshik, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Russian Federation

VOSTOK  AHMADULLA– head of the Afghan ethno-cultural association “Arianna” in Almaty, member of the APK Almaty, Kazakhstan

Speakers were:

ERDOGAN ALTYNKAINAK – Professor at Ardahan University, Ardahan, Turkey Theme: «1991-2021 INDEPENDENT KAZAKHSTAN»

SHAIMERDENOVA Nursulu Zhamalbekovna –  Doctor of Philological sciences, Professor, member of the APK, member of the Scientific and Expert Council of the APK Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Almaty, Kazakhstan Theme: «ETIKET I KULTURA RECHEVOGO OBCHENIA (PUTESHESTVUEM VMESTE PO STRANISAM LETOPISI «EPOHA I LICHNOST»)

ANANYEVA  Svetlana Viktorovna–  Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of the M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Arts, the Board Member of the Writers Union of Kazakhstan, Deputy Chairman of the SEG APK Almaty, Kazakhstan Theme: «ОТ CONSEPTA RODYNI – K CONSEPTU PAMITI»

At the event took part the teaching staff of some universities of Kazakhstan:

– Atyrau University named after H.Dosmukhamedov,

– Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University,

– Abai KazNPU,

– KazNARU;

– Satbayev University

Students and Master students of the Academy made reports on current topics of the conference:

Kan Lada, Nurmaganbetova Dana, Zavizion Eric, Zhagyparkyzy Shattyk, Mashenov Tursyn, Bekbashova Korkem, Zhanbyrbai Aidana, Saduakas Shattyk, Kayyrzhanov Dias.

The high level of preparation of all speakers and relevance and scientific and methodological significance of all reports were noted at the round table.

All participants of the round table had the opportunity to get acquainted in detail with the history, achievements of the country during the years of independence, as well as the stages  The topic of the conference aroused keen interest among the participants and invited guests of honor from far and near abroad, members of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, university professors spoke in a free microphone.

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