• 11.03.2025

Qazaq Ballet Magazine’s Presentation of Anniversary Calendar


Oct 26, 2021

On October 26, 2021, the scientific and editorial department, together with the Qazaq Ballet Magazine, organized a presentation of the anniversary calendar “Figures of the Kazakh Ballet“. In addition to the presentation, the video projects of the “Dance of the Heart. Flight of the Soul” and “Lyudmila Rudakova. Time of Ballerina”, as well as a mini-exhibition of portrait works from the calendar, created by a 5th year student of the Faculty of Painting, Sculpture and Design Dulat Dender.

One of the founders of the calendar, Damir Urazymbetov, noted how important it is to remember the people who contributed to the development of the culture of Kazakhstan, including the choreographic one. The calendar includes figures, many of whom worked at the academy, or were its graduates. Among them are Mintai Tleubayev, Zaurbek Raibayev, Ulan Mirseidov, Olga Vsevolodskaya-Golushkevich, Bulat Dzhantayev, Vladimir Kolodenko, Lidia Sarynova, Ramazan Bapov, Azerbaijan Mambetov, Gulzhikhan Galiyeva, Anvarbek Jalilov.

The calendar for 2022 is published by Qazaq Ballet Magazine (instagram @qazaqballet).

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