• 01.04.2025

“National Sovereignty and Personality in History: Temirbek Zhurgenov”


Apr 10, 2023

Opening of the WEEK OF SCIENCE on the topic:

Opening “National Sovereignty and Personality in History:

Temirbek Zhurgenov”

April 10-14, 2023

The annual Week of Science at the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after Temirbek Zhurgenov is every time an opportunity to prove oneself to novice young scientists, to present their works to already accomplished scientists and teachers. This is scientific communication, covering all faculties, not only intra-university, colleagues from the republic and from abroad are involved in the events.

In connection with the 125th anniversary of Temirbek Zhurgenov in the 2022-2023 academic year, the WEEK OF SCIENCE is dedicated to the topic: “National sovereignty and personality in history: Temirbek Zhurgenov.” The WEEK OF SCIENCE was opened by the vice-rector for scientific work of the Academy, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Kabyl Zamanbekovich Khalykov.

On April 11, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Design in the Age of Creative Industries” will be held, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Temirbek Zhurgenov; On April 12, the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Social Sciences will hold an International scientific and theoretical conference on the topic “T. Zhurgenov’s role in the development of education, science and culture of Kazakhstan and Central Asia”; On April 13, for the third time, the International competition for the best poster reports among 2nd-year undergraduates of creative universities of the Union of Independent States countries will be held on the topic: “Interdisciplinary research in art history in a new artistic era”; On April 14, the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Amen Khaidarov will be held, events of the Council of Young Scientists of the Academy will be held, as well as round tables dedicated to the outstanding statesman and public and political figure Temirbek Zhurgenov and the development of art education and science in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The opening ceremony of the WEEK OF SCIENCE was attended by the organizers of the above events: Head of the Department of History and Social Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Professor Aliya Sharabekovna Alimzhanova; Dean of the Faculty of Film and Television, Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor Gulnara Amangeldinovna Mursalimova, who provided information about the events being organized. In addition, Professor Turankulova Darikha Turankulovna was present at the opening of the week of science as an honored guest and expressed her wishes. During the WEEK OF SCIENCE, there is an exchange of experience, achievements and discoveries between scientists, the development of cooperation, the creation of a friendly environment for combining science and art, familiarization of teaching staff and students with the latest developments in the field of modern research in the artistic direction.

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