• 05.02.2025

Seminar on the 1st (intra-university) stage of the annual competition scientific research works of students (СSRW) of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Sep 13, 2024

Seminar on the organization of the 1st (intra-university) stage of the annual competition of research works of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On September 11, 2024, a seminar was held on organizing the first stage of the annual competition (intra-academic) of research works of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The winners of previous competitions of students’ research works, teachers and students of the Academy took part in the seminar.

Vice-Rector for Research of the Academy Khalykov Kabyl Zamanbekovich noted the importance of students’ participation and victory in the Republican competition of research papers, as this is taken into account when entering master’s and doctoral programs.

The winners of the 2nd stage of last year’s competition shared their experience of participating in the Republican competition of research papers with students: Akkerke Sadu, 1st place, “Theater Studies” trajectory, 3rd-year student (scientific supervisor – Islambaeva Z.U., Ph.D. in Art History, professor); Inkar Anarbek – 2nd place, Art Management trajectory, 1st year student (scientific supervisor – Toktagan Y.T., teacher of the Art Management department); Amina Kanat, Nurly Rustemkyzy – 3rd place, Art Management trajectory (scientific supervisor Musayeva A.A., PhD in Economics, associate professor of the Art Management department).

Head of the Scientific and Editorial Department Zhanna Didarbekovna Ramadanova acquainted teachers and students with the requirements of the research and development competition.

At the end of the seminar, a ceremonial award ceremony was held for the winners of the 2nd stage of last year’s annual competition of students’ research papers (SRWP) of higher education institutions.

Organizer of the seminar: Scientific and Editorial Department.

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