• 01.04.2025

Best Science Essay Competition Winners


Dec 26, 2021

The first republican competition for the best scientific essay “Art of Kazakhstan: famous names and creative science” dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, received 20 works-essays by students and undergraduates of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

They reflected the main idea of ​​the competition. The purpose of the competition was to introduce into scientific circulation new research on the activities of outstanding personalities who contributed to the development of science and art in Kazakhstan. The most important aspect of the competition task was the activation of scientific interests in the context of the formation of a creative economy in the field of culture and art. In addition, it was important to focus on strengthening creative entrepreneurship in art, associated with the use of business mechanisms for the implementation of creative ideas, design of art-business space, generation of art projects as a product of intellectual activity.

The jury members got acquainted with the anonymous texts of 20 essays and singled out three best works. The discussion was transparent, independent and productive. The jury noted some of the submitted works as deep scientific research about personalities in art.

The organizing committee prepared diplomas for the jury members, expressing gratitude to the support of the project of the scientific editorial department of the academy and the research analysis of the essays.

The results of the competition were announced online on December 15, 2021 at 18:00 at a ceremony in the videoconferencing mode on the Zoom platform.

Of the funds allocated by sponsors (500,000 tenge) to the account of T. K. Zhurgenov KazNAA, the organizing committee and members of the jury acting on the basis of the Regulation on the organization and holding of the republican competition for the best scientific essay (P 017-2.21-2021), approved by the decision of the Academic Council of the Academy (minutes No. 3 dated 10.28.2021), they encouraged 3 essays in this competition, highlighting 1, 2 and 3 places (100 thousand tenge, 60 thousand tenge and 40 thousand tenge, respectively), the rest of the funds – to use to organize the next competition within Academy Science Week in April 2022.

As a result 3 prizes were awarded:

1st place – 100 thousand tenge – Darina Manapova – student of the Turan University;

Academic adviser: Aibarsha Bozheyeva

2nd place – 60 thousand tenge – Anel Bekenova – Master’s student of the T. K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts;

Academic adviser: Nartai Bekmoldinov

3rd place – 40 thousand tenge – Angelina Sumarokova – student of the Abylai Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages ​​.

Academic adviser: Olga Vlassenko

Congratulations to all participants of the competition!

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