• 01.04.2025

December 7, 2022, held a MASTER CLASS by Kabyl KHALYKOV, dedicated to the discourse of modern scenography

December 7, 2022, at 14.30 Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts held a WORKSHOP of professor of scenography Kabyl Halykov on the topic: “Scenography today: from the image to the embodiment of the idea” for students and teachers of the specialty. The main artists of the theaters of Kazakhstan and guests from Atyrau also participated in the audience. During the seminar, a discourse was held on the history of scenography and the development of theatrical genres on the example of theatrical performances. The master noted that today the traditions of designing theatrical and decorative art have lost themselves, but scenography has become comprehensive in the development of modern technologies of audio-visual forms. New genres of post-dramatic theater are more and more in demand in Kazakh theater. Successful productions of scenography by artists Ralph Koltai, Robert Wilson, Michael Levin, and others were shown and analyzed. The scenographer noted that in the art of modern times, along with the categories of the structure of sensuality, the spiritual components of the cultural context also have a great perspective.

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