• 18.07.2024

Department of Foreign Languages and KPA


Apr 19, 2022

On April 18-23, 2022, Department of Foreign Languages and KPA is holding traditional language week with participation of all departments’ students. Within the framework of the activity, various events have been planned. Among them: April 20 at 16.00 – debate on the topic “Problem of tolerance in contemporary cinema”; April 21 at 10.00 – video contest on the topic “The place where I live”. Literary Lounge, which has already become traditional, this year dedicated to W. Shakespeare’s birthday, hosts students from Abylaikhan KazUIR and WL on 21.04.22 at 12:00. April 22 at 14.00 – public speaking skills contest on the theme “Art will save the world” among arts specialties students of higher and specialized educational institutions of Kazakhstan Republic. The language week will culminate with T.K.Zhurgenov KazNAA students’ team participation in the contest related to W. Shakespeare’s birthday at AlmaUniversity on April 23 at 13.00. All events are going to be held in English.

Department of Foreign Languages and KPA

Language Week Program (18.04.22 – 23.04.22)

EventResponsibleDate of the eventTopic
Opening of the week     Gallery of students’ works    Kuatova G.O. with 1st year students majoring in “Architectural design” and “Graphic Design”18.04.2022 at 12.00 online https://zoom.us/j/8687376312?pwd=d0pSSk43V25TSXJzNXRyZHV6NUd6QT09“Die Kunst wird die Welt retten”  
QuizSenior lecturer Sultan Zh.S. Senior lecturer Turemuratova K.Zh. 1st year students “Fashion and costume design”20.04.2022  at 11.05 https://zoom.us/j/8787988160?pwd=TjVOcGNmMXVNekJ6Vnd1dWlNOUZpUT09“The Spirit of Art”
Debate            Senior lecturer Alpeisova B.T. Associate Professor Tautenbayeva A.A.   1st year students Dir.TV20.04.2022    at 16.00 https://zoom.us/j/97916781039?pwd=aTBZZDA3a2RTbTFpc21nSlFHYmJzQT09 password 338544“Tolerance in film making”
Video Contest        Senior lecturer Turemuratova K.Zh.21.04.2022 at 10.00. https://zoom.us/j/8787988160?pwd=TjVOcGNmMXVNekJ6Vnd1dWlNOUZpUT09“The place where I live”  
Literary room dedicated to the birthday of William Shakespeare with the participation of students of Abylaikhan KazUIR & WL and T.K.Zhurgenov KazNAA  Associate Professor Iskakova A.O., Senior lecturer Alpeisova B.T.21.04.2022,  at12.00, online https://zoom.us/j/8787988160?pwd=TjVOcGNmMXVNekJ6Vnd1dWlNOUZpUT09     “ART will save the world”  
Olympiad-English language SPEECH CONTEST 2022 among students of creative universities and colleges.    Organizing Committee22.04.2022   at 15:00 https://zoom.us/j/8787988160?pwd=TjVOcGNmMXVNekJ6Vnd1dWlNOUZpUT09“ART will save the world”  
Closing of the week   Presentation of certificates and diplomas  Organizing Committee23.04.2022 at 15.00 https://zoom.us/j/8787988160?pwd=TjVOcGNmMXVNekJ6Vnd1dWlNOUZpUT09“ART will save the world”  
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