• 01.03.2025

“Дизайн” кафедрасы

History of the Department “Design

The history of the specialty began from the day the Almaty Theater and Art School was opened in 1978 on the basis of the standard curriculum of the Moscow Art Pedagogical University (former Stroganovka) with the code 061300 and was named “Interior and Equipment”. At that time, Professor I.K. Karipzhanov was the dean of the “Art Faculty”. The founder of the specialty can be considered the founder of the Kazakh tapestry, laureate of the State Prize named after. Sh. Valikhanov K. Tynybekov, as well as many graduates of Russian universities. The head of the department, and then the dean of the faculty, who made a significant contribution to the creative development of highly educated specialists, was R. S. Sadygulov, who pulled up young specialists from Moscow, Leningrad, Lvov, Gorky to improve the professional level of the educational institution. B. A. Tyulkiev, laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize, made a significant contribution to the basis of educational and methodological work on the formation of a new school.

At the same time, associate professor K. Ospanov, candidate of art history K. K. Murataev, laureate of the state prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, honored worker of art of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. D. Duzelkhanov, professor B. E. Umarbekov, associate professor S. I. Shalabaev, M. G. Zhakipaliev, T. B. Batanov, M. K. Shalbaev, candidate of architecture T. Zhanysbekov. A significant contribution to the development of the specialty was made by the People’s Artist of the USSR, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, People’s Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honorary Artist of the Academy of Sciences, Professor K. T. Telzhanov. From 1987 to 1993, young specialists who graduated from the ASTC, such as S. Zh. Nurkasimov, M. B. Moldabekov, N. Zh. Isakhov, B. K. Shilderkhanov, A. K. Shalbaev, K. S. Koshenov, Z. N. Isniyazov actively joined the work of the department.

In addition, the development of the specialty “design” included associate professor K. Ospanov, candidate of art criticism K. Murataev, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, honored worker of arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan D. Duzelkhanov, professor B. E. Omarbekov, associate professors S. I. Shalabaev, M. G. Zhakypaliev, etc. Batanov, M. K. Shalbaev, candidate of architecture comrade Zhanysbekov. Honored Worker, People’s Artist of the USSR, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, People’s Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honorary Artist of the Academy of Sciences, Professor T. K. Telzhanov. From 1987 to 1993, he graduated from AMTKI in this industry S. G. Nurkasymov, M. Young specialists, such as Moldabekov B., Isakov N. Zh., Shilderkhanov B. K., Shalbaev A. K., Koshenov K. S. , Isniyazov ZN took an active part in the work of the department.

In 1993, the art faculty, separated from the “Kazakh State Institute of Theater and Cinema”, was given the status of an autonomous university (Kazakh State Art Academy). In the newly opened academy, the specialty “Interior and Equipment” received a new name “Interior and Furniture Design” with the code 050421, at that time the department was headed by S. Zh. Nurkasimov.

The teachers of the department for many years have made a great contribution to the development of teaching methods and the formation of new creative areas of education.

Currently, Professor Zhedelov Kurmangazy Orazovich has been appointed head of the department. There are 16 specialists in the teaching staff of the department: 4 professors, 2 doctors of sciences, 2 associate professors, 4 senior teachers.

In particular, E. S. Asylkhanov – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, author and leader of many scientific projects, chairman of the “Eurasian Union of Designers”; K. S. Koshenov – candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor, chairman of the “Kazakhstan Union of Designers”; A. K. Shalbaev – senior lecturer, active participant in a number of international and republican exhibitions; M.E. Nurpeis – Senior Lecturer, PhD.

Thanks to the signed agreement between the Department of Design and the German university Aachen University of Applied Sciences, from 2012 to the present, about fifteen students have been able to get an education for one semester at a foreign university.

In 2015, the specialty “Design” was accredited by the “Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating” for five years, in 2017 this specialty was approved by the international accreditation agency AQUIEN.

In 2017, a new specialization “Landscape Design” was opened at the department. In this regard, the students of the Department of Design are trained in five specializations – “Architectural Design” in the profile “Interior Design”, “Industrial Design” in the profile “Furniture Design”, “Landscape Design” and “Graphic Design”.

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