• 29.03.2025

First International Online Competition “Best Poster Presentation” 2021


Apr 14, 2021

On April 14, 2021, the Research Center for Postgraduate Education (scientific and editorial department in conjunction with the Department of Postgraduate Education) of the T. K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts held the International ONLINE COMPETITION “The best poster report -2021” among second-year undergraduates of art universities on the topic “Exploration of new forms and technologies in art” dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the Academy’s annual Science Week.

The scientific and editorial department of KazNAA developed and sent information letters on the online competition for poster reports on various types of art with an invitation to participate in the competition in 11 universities. Those, who responded to the invitation:

  • 1) Kazakh National Academy of Choreography (Nur-Sultan);
  • 2) Kazakh National University of Arts (Nur-Sultan);
  • 3) Moscow State Academy of Choreography (Russian Federation),
  • 4) National Institute of Arts and Design named after Kamoliddin Bekhzad (Uzbekistan),
  • 5) St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture “(Russian Federation),
  • 6) State Conservatory of Uzbekistan, department of special piano (Uzbekistan).

In the information letter, the deadline for accepting applications from undergraduates was set to April 8, 2021.

The staff of the scientific and editorial department developed the design of the poster for the competition. Information about the competition on the official website of the academy was posted.

The purpose of the competition: generalization of the results of research work of undergraduates in the field of modern problems of culture and art, demonstration of innovative achievements of research activities of young scientists.

The competition was open and in one round was held.

Undergraduates from seven universities applied for the competition:

  • 1. Kazakh National Academy of Choreography;
  • 2. T. K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts;
  • 3. Kazakh National University of Arts;
  • 4. Moscow State Academy of Choreography,
  • 5. Kamoliddin Behzad National Institute of Arts and Design,
  • 6. St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture “,
  • 7. State Conservatory of Uzbekistan, department of special piano.

The total number of undergraduates who participated in the competition: 18 people.

List of participants in the competition, topics of reports,

academic supervisors, contact details:

ParticipantsTopics of reportAcademic supervisor
 Казахская национальная академия искусств им.Т.Жургенова
ГОП: М034 – «Өнертану», ОП: 7М02129 – «Киноведение»
 Касымханова Акмарал Амангаликызы«Образ «особого человека» в казахском кино»доктор PhD Нөгербек Баубек Бауыржанұлы
ГОП: М029 – «Театральное искусство», ОП: 7М02114 – «Актер драматического театра»
 Урбисинова Динара СаматкызыАктерский тренинг как средство развития комуникативных навыков у детей возраста 12-17 летк.п.н., старший преподаватель Кашаганова Т.У, кафедра «Актерского мастерства и режиссуры»
ГОП: М033 – «Изобразительное искусство», ОП: 7М02131 – «Художественный текстиль»
 Жубанова Жанель СанжаровнаВизуальные символы и образы казахского декоратвно-прикладного искусства в межкультурном пространстве Евразиик.п.н., ассоциированный профессор Шайгозова Ж.Н.
М028 «Режиссура», 7М02184 «Режиссура кино и ТВ»
 Кумарова Айша Жанмаханбетқызы«Проблематика тандема режиссёр-продюсер в технологической цепочке кинопроизводства: Анализ взаимодействия»Сорокина Юлия Владимировна, доктор PhD, старший преподаватель
М031-  «Хореография», 7М02105 – Педагогика хореографии
 Саркытбаева Куралай Серикхановна«Творческая и педагогическая деятельность С.Е. Нурсултановой в контексте балетного искусства Казахстана»Николаева Л.А. – п.ғ.к., доцент 
 M025 – «Традиционное музыкальное искусство»
 Пазыл Тұрсынай Әлібекқызы  «А. Райымбергеновтың орындаушылық өнеріндегі синтез бен инварианттылық»Бекмолдинов Нартай Сагмбекулы, PhD докторы
 ОП: 7М02101 – «Режиссура хореографии»
 Марабаева Анель ТемирлановнаТанцевальные традиции в аспекте культурного полилога стран Шелкового ПутиСаитова Г.Ю., заслуженная артистка РК, кандидат искусствоведения, профессор, кафедра режиссуры НАО «КазНАХ»
 Абуталипова Асель Болатовна“Деятельность хореографа-постановщика в художественных танцевальных коллективах”Кензикеев Руслан Владимирович, доктор PhD, старший преподаватель
  ОП: 7M02103 «Педагогика хореографии» 
 Төребай Айшабибі МұратқызыДиагностика профессиональной адаптации молодых артистов балета в театральной средеКульбекова А.К., доктор педагогических наук, профессор, кафедра педагогики НАО «КазНАХ»
 Қабдуллина Еркежан ТурсынбековнаПроектирование модели этно-художественного воспитания детей в системе дополнительного хореографического образования РККульбекова А.К., доктор педагогических наук, профессор, кафедра педагогики НАО «КазНАХ»
 Ақылбекова Ажар Кәкімбекқызы«Қазақстандағы хореография педагогикасының ғылыми-әдістемелік негіздері»Ізім Т.О., ҚазКСР-нің еңбек сіңірген артисі, өнертану кандидаты, профессор
 ОП: 7M02109-«Музыковедение»
 Байханова Самал Даировна«Қазіргі музыкалық оқу жүйесіндегі қазақ халқының ән фольклорын зерделеу» (казахский песенный фольклор в системе современного музыкального образования)Байбек А.Қ. – к.п.н., доцент
 Алиева Мохира Исактой кизи  Творчество Надежды Кашиной в контексте плакатного искусства Узбекистана  Ахмедова Нигора Рахимовна, академик УзХА, профессор
 ГОСУДАРСТВЕННАЯ КОНСЕРВАТОРИЯ УЗБЕКИСТАНА, кафедра специального фортепиано (Узбекистан)
 Сидикова Алия Маратовна«Соло земли»Адиба Рауфовна Шарипова, Засл. артистка Узбекистана, профессор кафедры специального фортепиано Государственной консерватории Узбекистана
 Профиль: 52.04.01 «Хореографическое искусство»
 Ахмадиев Айдар Рашитович«Развитие хореографического искусства – экскурс в историю из Кёнигсберга в Калининград»Гальцева Татьяна Александровна, профессор, Заслуженный деятель искусств РФ, кафедрой классического танца Московской государственной академии хореографии
 Усанова Юлия Дмитриевна«Совершенствование профессиональных навыков учащихся системы среднего профессионального образования средствами интеграции и адаптации различных методик пальцевой техники в процессе обучения классическому танцу»Гальцева Татьяна Александровна, заведующий кафедрой классического танца Московской государственной академии хореографии, профессор, заслуженный деятель искусств РФ
 Профиль: 52.04.01 Хореографическое искусство 
 Галимова Аделия Ириковна«Импровизационный подход к совершенствованию преподавания современной хореографии в системе профессионального хореографического образования»Иванова Светлана Анатольевна – доцент, кандидат педагогических наук, Кафедра народно-сценического, историко-бытового и современного танца, Московская государственная академия хореографии
 Магистерская программа: 51.04.05 «Режиссура театрализованных представлений и праздников»
 Короткова Светлана Николаевна«Праздничный календарь начала XVIII века как новый вектор в режиссуре государственных праздников»Кудашов Валерий Фазильевич, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, кафедра «Режиссура театрализованных представлений и праздников», «Санкт-Петербургский государственный институт культуры» (СПбГИК)

The competition was held in an online format on the ZOOM platform in accordance with the Regulations on the International Competition “The Best Poster Report” among second-year undergraduates, approved by the Academic Council of T. K. Zhurgenov KazNAA 03/01/2021. g.

By order of the rector A. Zh. Abdualiev No. 01 / 04-52P dated 02.04.2021, the competition commission was approved:


1) Kabyl Khalykov – Vice-rector for scientific work of the TK Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor (Almaty);


2) Andrey Alferov – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the “Executive Faculty” of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Moscow State Academy of Choreography, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (Russian Federation, Moscow);

3) Evgeniy Slesar – Candidate of Art Criticism, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Directing Theatrical Performances and Holidays, St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture (Russian Federation, St. Petersburg);

4) Almira Naurzbaeva – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory;

5) Saida Kassymkhodzhaeva – candidate of art history, associate professor, head of the department of music history at the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan, Tashkent);


Mariya Kurmanbayeva – methodologist of the postgraduate education department of the T. K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts (Almaty).

The competition was moderated by:

Arman Kulshanova – Head of the Research Center for Postgraduate Education, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor;

Damir Urazymbetov – head of the Academic-Editorial Department, candidate of art history.

The Competition Committee evaluated the participants in their five-minute MS PowerPoint presentations according to the following criteria:

 Relevance of the scientific project;

 Assessment of the scientific merits of a scientific project;

 Research nature of work, novelty of research, originality and complexity;

 Scientific and practical significance of the results obtained;

 Manufacturability (the possibility of introducing research results into the educational process or production);

 Presentability of the report, content and expediency of reasoning, originality of thinking;

 Oral presentation: consistency and clarity of presentation, convincing reasoning;

 Clarity of answers to the questions posed, the level of proficiency in special terminology.

It should be noted that more than 50% of the reports were in the direction of choreography.

By the decision of the competition commission, the winners of the competition were distributed as follows – one first place, two second places, three third places.

List of winners of the international online competition

“The best poster report” among second-year master students of creative universities:


T. K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts

Kasymkhanova Akmaral Amangalikyzy “The image of a” special person “in Kazakh cinema”. Scientific adviser: Nugerbek Baubek Bauyrzhanuly PhD, senior lecturer of the Department of History and Theory of Cinema, KazNAA named after T. Zhurgenov.


T. K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts

Zhubanova Zhanel Sanzharovna “Visual symbols and images of Kazakh decorative and applied art in the intercultural space of Eurasia” Supervisor: Shaygozova Zhanerke Nauryzbaevna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Moscow State Academy of Choreography (RF)

Galimova Adeliya Irikovna “An improvisational approach to improving the teaching of modern choreography in the system of professional choreographic education” Supervisor: Kazybekova Zh. A., Candidate of Art History, Senior Lecturer


Moscow State Academy of Choreography (RF)

Akhmadiev Aydar Rashitovich “The development of choreographic art – an excursion into history from Konigsberg to Kaliningrad” Scientific adviser: Galtseva Tatyana Aleksandrovna, professor, Honored art worker of the Russian Federation, head. Department of Classical Dance of the Moscow State Academy of Choreography

Kazakh National Academy of Choreography

Abdullina Erkezhan Tursynbekovna “Designing a model of ethno-artistic education of children in the system of additional choreographic education in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Scientific adviser: Kulbekova A. K., Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, NJSC “KazNAKH”.

Moscow State Academy of Choreography (RF)

Usanova Yulia Dmitrievna “Improving the professional skills of students in the system of secondary vocational education by means of integration and adaptation of various techniques of finger technique in the process of teaching classical dance.” Academic Supervisor: Galtseva Tatyana Aleksandrovna, Head of the Department of Classical Dance of the Moscow State Academy of Choreography, Professor, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation

Feedback from undergraduates about the event

Kasymkhanova Akmaral:

I would like to thank the organizers of the conference for the well-coordinated work and organization of the event, for the international level, I would like to express my special gratitude to the jury members for their objective comments and their interest in the theme of talented participants! (T. K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts)

Zhubanova Zhanel:

Thank you very much for organizing such a project as “Poster Report”, it was an invaluable experience! Thanks a lot to the organizers!

(T. K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts)

Usanova Yulia:

Many thanks to the organizers of the competition and the distinguished members of the commission!

Congratulations to all undergraduates, I wish you excellent defense of master’s theses (Moscow State Academy of Choreography (RF)

Feedback from members of the commission

Locksmith Evgeny Alexandrovich: Thanks to the organizers!

Kasymkhodzhaeva Saida Batyrovna: Thank you all for organizing the event and interesting reports. There is an understanding of the level of master students creative specialties. Good luck to all! And take care of yourself

April 14, 2021

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