• 12.03.2025



Mar 6, 2024

Department of “Foreign Language and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan”


 Gratitude Day – March 1


On March 1, 2024, in the Library of the Academy, the department of “Foreign Language and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan” held an International Round Table as part of the Week of Languages and Gratitude Day on the topic: “LET THERE BE PEACE IN OUR HEARTS. HOUR OF FRIENDSHIP”  in online and offline modes.

The participants of the Round Table were:

  • Teaching staff of the Department of Foreign Language and Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan and students of the Academy.
  • Members of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, members of the Scientific Expert Group of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, Representatives of Ethnocultural Associations of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.
  • Faculty and students of A.A. Kadyrov  Chechen State University, Kenzhegali Sagadiev University of International Business (UIB), International Transport and Humanitarian University.
  • American students of Al-Farabi KazNU according to the Memorandum between Temirbek Zhurgenov KazNAA and Al-Farabi KazNU.

The moderator was: Professor Shaimerdenova Mendyganym Jamalbekovna

 Welcoming speech: Head of the Department of “Foreign Languages and APK” – Associate Professor Kanlybayeva Zhanat Serikbayevna

The main report on the activities of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan was made by Professor Shaimerdenova Mendyganym Dzhamalbekovna, Ph.D. Sciences, professor – member of the APK, member of the Scientific Expert Group of the APK.

The main goal of the International Round Table was to familiarize people with the activities of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan and the structures of this organization, to familiarize young people with the history of their country and its cultural heritage.

Members of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan spoke about the activities of the Ethnocultural Centers at the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan:

  • Vointse Abubakir Vaitsyrovich – Chairman of the Dungan Ethnocultural Center;
  • Mamsurov Kazbek Vladimirovich – Chairman of the Ossetian ethnocultural center;
  • Ahmadullah Vastok – Honorary Chairman of the Afghan Ethnocultural Center “Ariana”

Guests of the round table from the Chechen A.A.Kadyrov State University spoke online in zoom.

  • Associate Professor Tsutsulaeva Sapiyat Saypuddinovna – Dean of the Faculty of History.
  • Associate Professor Abdulvakhabova Birlant Borz-Alievna.

Guests from universities in Kazakhstan attended the International Round Table:

  • Kenzhebaev Nurseit Turbaevich – Associate Professor at the International Transport and Humanitarian University.
  • Gulnara Ataevna Anakulieva – Associate Professor at the University of International Business named after Kenzhegali Sagadiev (UIB);
  • Victoria Anetovna Bektemisova – Associate Professor at the International Transport and Humanitarian University.
  • And, students under the “Flagship” Program – “The Language Flagship Overseas” of KazNU. al-Farabi. USA – Abby Fitch and Michaela Stromberg, who prepared the reports – An outsider’s view of life in multinational Kazakhstan.

Students of the 1st and 2nd year of the Academy prepared an amazing concert, performing a medley of Kazakh songs, kuyi “Tolgau”. “Balbirauyn”, “Alkissa”:

Srail Aida, Sultangalieva Galiya, Mizambayev Rayymbek, Aydin Konakbai, Baktiyar Tutinbai, Nurai Azimtai, Aruzhan Asylbekkyzy, Tolegen Adina, Shugyla Bakbergenova, Karshiga Abdiqadir, Ulan Koishybai, Aripbekov Nurislam, Sharipov Ikram, Aklepes Olzhas, Dauletbayev Arystan, Temirbekova Nazerke, Bakytbekova Nurai, Tleukeshova Balnur, Meirambekova Meruert, Rysbai Gulshat, Yerkebulan Asylkhan.

The concert ended with the solemn song “Atameken”.

The activities of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan are aimed at the development and implementation of state policy to ensure public harmony and national unity.

The Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan was established on March 1, 1995 as the Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan and renamed in 2007 as the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. Since the leadership and people of Kazakhstan lived according to the main idea of “Mangilik el – bir el – bir tagdir”. And the fact that we are one people and one destiny is reflected in the renaming of the Assembly.

It should be noted that according to the constitutional reform of 2007, the Assembly was endowed with constitutional status and received the right to delegate its representatives to the Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan according to the established quota.

The issues of friendship of peoples and their peaceful residence on the same territory in some countries are now particularly acute and today the members of the Assembly bear a great responsibility, since in their competence, according to the Law “On the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan”, activities in the main areas are strengthening peace, ensuring socio–political stability, preventing any discrimination against citizens of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the Assembly is to ensure social harmony and national unity in the Republic of Kazakhstan based on Kazakhstani patriotism, civil and spiritual and cultural community of the ethnic groups of Kazakhstan with the consolidating role of the Kazakh people.

Friendship Houses are operating in all cities of Kazakhstan, and the Palace of Peace and Accord is in the capital, which hosts annual sessions of the APK, congresses of traditional world religions and other important and significant events.

The most important thing for us teachers is the formation of a sense of pride for our country among young people, respect for the history, culture and traditions of their people, as well as the development of civic responsibility and active citizenship. In this direction, we, the teachers of the Academy, try to carry out our work along with the educational process.

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