• 12.03.2025

The first stage of the XVI Student Republican Subject Olympiad of the department «History and Theory of Fine Arts» was held.


Dec 4, 2023

On November 29, 2023 the first stage of the XVI Student Republican Subject Olympiad on the educational program «Art History» of the department «History and History of Fine Arts» of the faculty «Art History» of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after Temirbek Zhurgenov was held.

The purpose of the Olympiad, organized by the Department of «History and Theory of Fine Arts», is: to reveal the creative abilities of gifted students, to improve the professional skills of students, to contribute to the formation of intellectual foundations of youth, to attract students and students to the study of current scientific problems of our time, to increase interest in scientific activity.

In total, 11 students of 1, 2, 3 courses took part in the Republican Subject Olympiad. Among them, those who took the prize-winning places, who wrote the best works, were awarded with special diplomas.

These are:

These are:

Diploma of I degree – 1st year student Orakova Shamshyrak (supervisor – Ydyrys Z. A.);

Diploma of II degree – 2nd year student Sadanov Elkair (supervisor – Karabalaeva B. R.);

Diploma of II degree – 2nd year student Tatyran Kaldanai (supervisor – Karabalaeva B. R.);

Diploma of III degree – 2nd year student Tokmyrza Mansiya (supervisor – Karabalaeva B. R.);

Diploma of III degree – 2nd year student Tursyngazy Gina (supervisor – Karabalaeva B. R.);

Diploma of III degree – 1st year student Bekkuzhina Aruzhana (supervisor – Ydyrys Z. A.);

Congratulations to our students who achieved good results in the Republican Student Competition with such a high scientific level!

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