• 01.04.2025

Seminar on the 1st (intra-university) stage of the annual competition scientific research works of students (СSRW) of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Sep 21, 2022

Seminar on the organization of the 1st (intra-university) stage of the annual competition of research works of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On September 21, 2022, a seminar was held on organizing the first stage of the annual competition (intra-academic) of research works of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The winners of previous competitions of students’ research works, teachers and students of the Academy took part in the seminar.

The Vice-Rector for Science of the Academy Halykov Kabyl Zamanbekovich noted that the participation of students in research competitions opens the way for them to enter the master’s and doctoral studies in the future, since prizes in the competitions of scientific research are taken into account when entering.

The winners of the SRW competitions shared their experience of participation in the competition of research works with students: Kurmanbai Ulzhan, currently working as a teacher, undergraduates Turmaganbet Zhansaya, Abduzhappar Makpal and 4th year student Nazarova Rana.

Specialist of the Scientific and Editorial department, candidate of pedagogical sciences Sadykova Aigul Eginbaevna presented the results of the SWOT-analysis of the previously held SRW competitions, listing the most common mistakes of students when writing a paper. The main mistakes made by students: plagiarism – 70-80% of papers are copied from the Internet; lack of scientific novelty, the chosen topic does not correspond to the idea of ​​the competition, etc.

Zhanna Didarbekovna Ramadanova, head of the Scientific and Editorial Department, familiarized teachers and students with the requirements of the SRW competition.

Seminar organizer: Scientific and Editorial department.

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