• 23.02.2025



Apr 23, 2022


From April 25 to 27, 2022 T.K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts will host the II International Plein air Student Competition “Qyzğaldaq-2022” organized by the gallery at the Academy and the Department of Fine Arts. Students of higher educational institutions in the field of “Painting” (fine arts, design and applied arts) are invited to participate in the international plein air student competition. 

It is scientifically proven that the territory of modern Kazakhstan is a birthplace and distribution area of tulips. 35 species of tulips of 64 growing in Central Asia, are found in Kazakhstan. The most important decoration of Kazakh steppe are tulips. They bloom every spring and almost the entire territory of the republic is covered with floral carpets.    

Tulips in Kazakhstan are an amazing sight. Of course, thousands of tourists gather in Holland to admire blooming tulips but the peculiarity of Kazakhstan’s tulips is natural beauty that arose without human intervention. Tulips are our natural wealth that deserves to become famous as a national value and become a brand.

1. Goals and objectives

Goals: Acquaintance with the traditions of the landscape school of each country; exchange of experience between creatively gifted students participating in universities; formation and strengthening of international relations; identification and awarding of young talented artists.

Objectives: To acquaintance with the city of Almaty, Almaty region and the foothills of Alatau – the historical homeland of apple and tulip fruits; to educate students with a sense of patriotism and respect for national values; to develop the creative potential of young artists; acquaintance with the school of fine arts of each country.

2. The procedure and program of the competition

   April 25, 2022

• 09.00-10.00 – registration of participants.

• 10.00 – the opening ceremony of the student plein-air competition “Qyzğaldaq-2022” in T. Zhurgenov KazNAA;

•  11.00-16.00 – an etude from the sights of Almaty.

• 13.00-14.00 – lunch

   April 26, 2022

• 08.00-18.00 – participation in the plein-air on the Sharyn Canyon (Sharyn State National Nature Park, Almaty region).

   April 27, 2022

• 10.00-12.00 – work of the commission for evaluation of etude works based on the results of the student plein air competition “Qyzğaldaq-2022”.  

• 09.00-13.00 acquaintance of participants of the student plein-air competition “Qyzğaldaq-2022” with the historical and cultural places of Almaty (excursion to the A. Kasteev State Art Museum, the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, etc.)

• 14.00-16.00 – closing ceremony of the plein-air student competition “Qyzğaldaq-2022” awarding winners with diplomas and awarding all participants and managers with certificates. The closing ceremony of the event.

3. Competition commission

The staff of the competition commission includes teaching staff of T.K. Zhurgenov KazNAA as well as famous artists of Kazakhstan and abroad.

4. Evaluation criteria

  • – compliance of the content of a work with the theme and objectives of the competition;
  • – presence of one`s own handwriting when performing creative work, the level of artistic skill (technique, degree and complexity of detailed disclosure of the theme).
  • – integrity of the compositional solution;
  • – quality of design and culture of a demonstration.

5. Awarding

According to the results of the plein air competition participants are awarded the following level:

• Grand Prix diploma – 1 student

• I degree diploma -1 student

• II degree diploma -1 student

• III degree diploma -1 student


  • • The best compositional solution – 1 student
  • • The best coloristic solution – 1 student
  • • The best landscape – 1 student
  • • Audience award – 1 student
  • All other participants will be issued certificates.

6. Organizational and technical requirements

By April 18, 2022 an official letter indicating a full name of the participating students from universities and the application form of the participants have to be sent on email nurlan.kaznai@mail.ru . At the same time it is necessary to send a photo of a student, a copy of an identity card or passport, 2-3 creative photos. The Contest participants have to provide themselves with necessary materials (pencils, paints, sketchbook, etc.), the organizer provides 2 canvas on stretchers size 50x60cm and 1 box of oil paint, solvent, brushes. Participants perform two works in plein air (there are no restrictions on working materials for drawing (oil paints, acrylic, watercolor, paper, gouache). At the end of the plein air competition, each student-participant signs 2 completed sketches (on the back of the work – full name, country, city, educational institution) and passes them to the organizing committee. The contest entries are not returned to an author, they are a property of the organizing committee.

Participating students who arrived from abroad and from other regions of Kazakhstan are provided with hotel accommodation and one-time meals.

7. Terms of participation

2 students from each educational institution can take part in the international student plein air competition “Qyzğaldaq-2022” in the sphere of “Painting” (fine arts, design and applied arts).

Organizing Committee address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 127 Panfilov str., T. K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts.

Project managers:

Turgynbay Bolat Syrlashuly – Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, Head of the Department of Fine Arts, Professor

Tokpanova Maya Kyztuganovna – Head of the “Museum and Gallery” of the Academy


Sataev Nurlan, mobile phone: +7 778 272 22 66 (WhatsApp)

Email: nurlan.kaznai@mail.ru

Agataev Serik

mobile phone: +77022718247, +77074037257


Participant’s application

Participant’s full name ____________________________________________________

Educational institution____________________________________________________

Full address (with city code and index) _______________________________________

Phone number __________________________________________________________

Email _________________________________________________________________

Brief information about the participant _______________________________________

Adviser (full name, position) _______________________________________________

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