• 12.03.2025

Seminar on organizational issues 2-stage of the Republican competition of student research works (NIRS)


Feb 3, 2023

Seminar on organizational issues of the 2nd stage of the Republican competition of student research works (NIRS)

On 02/01/2022, a seminar was held in the cinema hall of the academy on the organizational issues of the 2nd stage of the Republican competition of student research works (hereinafter referred to as NIRS) of the 2022-2023 academic year.

The head of the Scientific and Editorial Department Zhanna Didarbekovna Ramadanova explained the issues of execution and participation of NIRS in the 2nd stage of the competition in accordance with the requirements of the “Recommendations on the organization and holding of the annual competition of NIRS of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Were explained issues on the structure of the NIRS, the main requirements for the design of the work, as well as the List of documents that must be submitted for the 2nd stage of the Republican competition of the NIRS.

At the 2nd stage, all scientific papers recommended by the participating universities will be checked for plagiarism at the base university.

When nominating scientific works of students for participation in the second stage of the competition, it is necessary to submit:

  • – a scientific work of 40-45 pages (А4) (fully anonymized – on the title page only the title of the work in the center, it is allowed to indicate the year of the work);
  • – review of the supervisor on the degree of independence of the work performed (in any form);
  • – protocol/certificate of checking the work for plagiarism;
  • – external feedback of a teacher who has a degree;
  • – abstract of the scientific work (Appendix 3 to the Recommendations);
  • – information about the author (authors) and supervisor (Appendix 4 to the Recommendations);
  • – protocol of the competition committee of the NIRS of the participating university (Appendix 5 to the Recommendations).

We wish the participants of the Republican competition NIRS success at the 2nd republican stage!

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