• 01.04.2025

Kazakh natsinalny academy of arts of T.K Zhurgenov
Faculty “Theater”
“Scenic Plasticity and Physical Training” department
2023-2024 academic year

The “Scenic Plasticity and Physical Training” department sets as the purpose to increase the scientific and creative level of shots in the sphere of culture and art, development of creative abilities, to combine vast experience of artists and courageous plans of students.
Main objective is mastering in perfection necessary physical musculoskeletal skills in plastic culture, education at the studying psychophysical abilities on such disciplines as “Dance”, “The scenic movement”, “Scenic fight”, “Acrobatics”, etc., the “Performing arts” entering the working training program of the educational program, “Direction”.
The Scenic Plasticity department was open in 1978 at faculty “Theater” at the Almaty theatrical and art institute. The founder of department is the candidate to an iskusstvova. Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Kulbaev Aman Bekenovich.
At the time of the opening of the department in 1978, future actors were trained by the following experienced professional teachers: Kapesov Zh.N., Akylbekova G., masters of sports: Masteran A., Kapellman A., Aitkozhanov T., Bayzhumanova B., Kumarzhanov A. and others.Nowadays highly skilled teachers who teach the following disciplines work at department: “Bases of classical dance”, “Bases of historical and household dance”, “Bases of national scenic dance”, “Bases of modern dance”, “Step”, “Contemporary”, “Physical education” (Bases of scenic movement I, II)”, “Physical education (Equipment of scenic movement I, II)”, “Scenic fight”, “Fencing”, “Pantomime”, “Physical education”, “Acrobatics”, “Direction bases”, “Direction and acting skills in circus”, “Work on a circus performance”, “Work of the director with performers and director’s and production group” and.т. In 2009 the department for the first time recruited students according to the educational program 5B040600 “Direction” / Direction of circus/. The head of a course was Dosbatyrov of Daulet Kurmangaliyevich, the associate professor, the doctor of PhD, the repeated winner of the international circus competitions, the chevalier of the order “Құrmet”. And also teachers Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Associate Professor Dosbatyrov K.M., teacher Dosbatyrov F.B.

Since the 2012-2013 academic year, undergraduates have been admitted under the 7M02192 educational program “Acting/Art of Plastic Arts.”
In the 2019-2020 academic year, for the first time, undergraduate students were recruited under the educational program V027 “Theater Art-Acting Art “/Physical Theater Artist/. In the spring of 2023, 11 students in this specialty received their diplomas.
In 2023, recruitment was carried out for the specialty 6V02192 Acting/Action actor, which is the innovation of not only the department and KazNAI named after Temirbek Zhurgenov, but also the educational process of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a whole. The head of the course is Kunguzhinov Zhaidarbek Tursungalievich, Honored Figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Laureate of international competitions and Prizes, holder of the Order of Құrmet, founder and head of the Nomad Stunts stunt group.
To date, the department has a faculty: candidates – 3/Құlbayev A.B., Mikhailova S.N., Shankibaeva A.B.)Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 5 (A.B. Kulbaev, D.K. Dosbatyrov, N.A. Bokybaev, R.A. Aitkozhanova, Kunguzhinov J.T.) Docents ZhAK-3 (Vasitsky V.A., Mikhailova S.N., Shankibaeva AB.), professors ZhAK-1 (Kulbaev AB), Dr. PhD-1 (Dosbatyrov DK), professors – 4 (Shankibaeva AB, Mikhailova SN, Vasitsky VA, Aitkozhanova RA), associate professors-5 (G.G. Bakharova, G.A. Dauletkulova, G.V. Kovalenko, V.N. Zhuravlev, D.K. Dosbatyrov), senior teacher-3 (Karlybaev M.S., Untaev Zh.K., Nauryzbekova S.M.), teachers-9 (Bukibaev N.A., Tolepbergen E.S., Sydyk N.S., Novikova N.V., Kunguzhinov J.T. Asylgazinov E.B., Dosbatyrova F.B., Tanbaeva A.J., Akhan Zh.).
The “Scenic Plasticity and Physical Training” department is a school of education of the esthetic personality and identity of future actor. A number of teachers are closely connected with creative institutions of the FSU and beyond, actively contributing to the active development of creative, scientific and pedagogical activity, helping pupils to develop the spiritual and physical abilities. The fact that the international scientific conferences, round tables, development programs for the faculty are implemented demonstrates to it.

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