• 23.02.2025

“Shakesphere’s day”


Apr 26, 2022

23.04.2022 a team of students from Т.K. Zhurgenov  Academy of Arts  took part in the English language competition “Shakesphere’s day”  at the University of Management in Almaty and won the 1st prize in the nomination “Plays by W. Shakespeare” (Amirov A., Esentemirova M., tutors – associate professor Iskakova A.O., Kim T.S. – Department of Foreign Languages ​​and KPA) and 2nd prize in the nomination “Shаkespeare’s Sonnets” (Amangeldy Zharkyn, tutor – Associate Professor Iskakova A.O., Department of Foreign Languages ​​and KPA). The winners were awarded the 1st and 2nd degree diplomas and cash prizes.

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