• 12.03.2025



Mar 1, 2023

Republican State Institution «TEMIRBEK ZHURGENOV KAZAKH NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ARTS» Cultural Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Dear friends and colleagues!

The Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts invites you to participate in the International Congress of Culture and Art Workers

“TURKIC CULTURE: COMMON ORIGINS AND PECULIARITIES OF DEVELOPMENT”, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Temirbek Zhurgenov, which will be held on May 30-31, 2023

            This event is dedicated to the Year of Turkic Civilization and the Year of Temirbek Zhurgenov and will be held at 127 Panfilov Street, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.

The work of the Congress is planned in the following directions:

  • 1. the Turkic world in the integration processes of socio-humanitarian space
  • 2. The idea of “Turan” in the fine arts of the Turkic world
  • 3. The history of Turkic civilization in the world cinema and media space.
  • 4. Modern Turkic theater in the context of the world cultural process
  • 5. Musical Culture of Turkic Peoples: Common and Specific, Origin and Transformation

Conference languages: Kazakh, Russian, English

Form of participation: in presentia and in absentia in online/offline mode

            Those who wish to participate in the conference please send the following e-mail addresses: kaznai_nauka@mail.ru till April 25, 2023

1) Application form (see sample form in Appendix 1);

2) text of the paper (see requirements for papers in Appendix 2)

It is planned to issue an electronic collection of materials with output data and ISBN.

Materials received later than the specified date, as well as those not corresponding to the theme of the conference and the rules of registration, will not be published.

The author is responsible for the originality of the article or report. Publication in the Proceedings of the conference is free of charge.

All costs associated with participation in the event are at the expense of the sending side or the participants themselves.

  • Information by phone:
  • Tel: +7 (727) 272 04 99;
  • WhatsApp: +7 777 388-98-89
  • Official website: http://kaznai.kz/
  • Instagram: oner_akademiasy

The organizing committee will be grateful to you for distribution of this information to the interested persons.


Structure of articles

The article begins with the UDC index, followed by the title of the article, the initials and surname of the author, the full name of the scientific institution, a brief abstract (at least 100 characters) and keywords (8-10 words). Information should be written in Kazakh (for citizens of Kazakhstan), Russian and English.

Requirements to the design of the article

1. Text of article should be presented in electronic format. In the name of the file an author’s surname is indicated (if there are co-authors – the surname of the first author): Both files are named: Surname-article, Surname-questionnaire.

2. Size of article in printed form – 5-10 pages, text of report up to 5 pages typed in the text editor Microsoft Word, font – Times New Roman, font size – 14 point, indentation – 1,25 cm; line spacing – 1,0. Margins: top – 2.0 mm, bottom – 2.0 mm, right – 2.0 mm, left – 3.0 mm. 3.

3. An abstract (at least 100 words). The abstract should indicate the subject, topic, purpose of the work, method or methodology of the work, the results of the work, the scope of the results, conclusions.

– for reports in Kazakh and Russian – in English;

– for reports in English – in Kazakh (for citizens of Kazakhstan) and Russian languages.

4. Key words (8-10) (in Kazakh – for citizens of Kazakhstan, Russian and English)

5. Title formatting – see Appendix 2.

6. The formatting of literature – see Appendix 3.

7. UDC index – obligatory.

8. It is desirable to divide the main text of the article into subsections (introduction, literature review, main part, research results).

9. Tables, diagrams, figures are presented in a format that allows formatting (necessary for translation), for example: Figure 1. Name of figure; Table 1. Name of the table.

10. The list of references (7-15 names) is given in the order of mentioning / citing in the article; references in the text are in square brackets, for example – [1, p.34]. 

The editorial board reserves the right to reject the article containing unreliable information, contradicting the requirements of the legislation, not corresponding to the level or subject of the collection. The editors do not enter into correspondence with the authors of rejected papers.

Appendix 1.

PARTICIPANT APPLICATION FORM of the International Congress of Culture and Art Figures “TURKIC CULTURE: COMMON ORIGINS AND PECULIARITIES OF DEVELOPMENT”, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Temirbek Zhurgenov, (Almaty, 30-31 May 2023)

Surname, first name, patronymic 
Country (city) 
Place of work/study 
Academic degree, 
Academic degree, 
Honorary title (if any) 
Address (work/home, with zip code) 
Contact telephone number (with area code), WhatsUpp 
Name of the direction of the conference 
Title of the paper, review, and/or article 
Technical means necessary for the report (in case of participation in a face-to-face format) 
Participation with a report (yes/no) 
Form of participation (on-site, off-site) 
Mode of participation (online/ofline) 
Date of completion 

Appendix 2

A sample of drawing up:


(in Kazakh for citizens of Kazakhstan, in Russian and English)


academic degree, academic rank, position/course

place of work/study ,

city, country


(in Kazakh – for citizens of Kazakhstan,

 Russian and English)

Annotation. text text text text text text text text text text text text text (in Kazakh, for citizens of Kazakhstan, Russian and English)

Key words: text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text (in Kazakh, for citizens of Kazakhstan, Russian and English language)

Text of the article text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

List of sources/literature

Appendix 3


Sats N. I. Children Come to the Theater. – Moscow: Art, 1961. – 312 с.

Magazines, newspapers:

Smetova, A. A., Mukasheva, A. B. Formation and development of conductor-chorus education in Kazakhstan // Bulletin of Kazakh National University. Series “Pedagogical Sciences”. – 2015. – №1 (44). – С. 4-10.

Collections of articles and conference materials:

Marchenkova A., Marchenkov A. Artistic image in choreographic art // Actual problems of pedagogy: Proceedings of the III International Scientific Conference. – Chita: Young Scientist, 2013. – С. 25-32.

Electronic resources:

Podkorytova M. O. Behind the scenes of Cirque Eloize. How a show about love is created [Electronic resource] // Official site of the network publication Uralweb.ru / URL: http://www.uralweb.ru/pages/provereno/6462.html (Date of reference: 19.04.17).

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