• 14.03.2025

А subject Olympiad was held among students of the 3rd-4th year, at the end of November 2023.


Dec 6, 2023

“Painting, Sculpture and Design”, Department of Design. Summing up the results of the intra-university stage of the Republican student subject Olympiad in the direction 6B02190- Design. According to the approved schedule, a subject Olympiad was held among students of the 3rd-4th year, at the end of November 2023.

21 3rd year students took part in the discipline “Elements and processes of graphic design”,

17 students took part in the discipline “Elements and processes of architectural Design”,

10 4th year students took part in the discipline “Designing graphic design objects” in the specialty Graphic design, in the discipline “Design of graphic design objects”

2 4th year students of Graphic Design took part, in the discipline “Design of architectural design objects”

1 4th year student took part.

The purpose of the Olympiad is to coordinate and identify the level of training of future specialists in the specialty 6B02190 – “Design”.

The venue of the Olympiad: Almaty, Abish Street

Chairman of the Competition Committee: Baidilda Bauyrzhan Nurbekuly, Dean of the Faculty of Painting, Sculpture and Design, Professor.

Members of the Competition Committee: Nauryzbayeva Aynash Sagatovna – PhD, Associate professor. Suleeva Korlan Duisenovna, PhD in Art History, Associate Professor. Tolegen Aliya Tolegenkyzy, teacher. Sarsembayeva Kalima Yertaikyzy, senior lecturer.

Secretary: Rahmanali Kymbat Anaralyzy, teacher.

Moderators: Mukhambetova Anna Dmitrievna, teacher (moderator of the 3rd year). Yermekbayev Dias Skanderovich, teacher (moderator of the 3rd year). Maksat Kairatovich Sarsenbayev, teacher (moderator of the 4th year).

Head of the Department of Design Koshenov K. S.: – by the decision of all members of the commission, the results were unanimously summed up, the following results of the participants of the I stage of the XVI Republican subject Olympiad were determined:

From 3 courses of graphic design in the discipline “elements and processes of graphic design” Shontybayeva Alua Ilnurovna-I place, Kuttumuratova Aliya Abdimuslumovna-II place,

Aliya Berikovna Sidenova-III place.

In the discipline “designing graphic design objects” among 4 graphic design courses

Kalzhanova Gauhar Taukelevna-I place.

Ormambekova Anelzhanovna-II place.

 Zhusupova Dilnaz Ardakovna-III place,

out of 3 courses of architectural design “elements of architectural design”

Embergen Ernur Yesengalievich-I place,

 Sabit Aysultan Shormanovich-II place,

Kasyanova Arina Alekseevna-III place.

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