• 15.02.2025

Department of “Directing of Screen Arts”

Educational programs

Teaching staff

Popov Vladimir Ilyich

Head of the department

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Akhmetova Saule Kasymovna

Deputy Head of the Department

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The Department of “Direction of Screen Arts” aims to enhance the scientific and creative level of the professorial and teaching staff in preparing specialists in culture and the arts. It seeks to develop creativity by combining the rich experience of art practitioners with the ambitious ideas of the students.

The Department of “Direction of Screen Arts” has its roots in the history of the “Film” faculty. It originated from the “History of Cinema” department and established in 1993, which admitted students for specialties such as “Film Direction,” “Cinematography,” and “Animation.” At the foundation of the faculty, notable educators such as V.S. Pusyrmanov, K.S. Smailov, A.A. Kasteev, A.G. Daulbaev, B.R. Nogerbek, and B.S. Sharip were involved.

In 2000, the faculty underwent transformation into the “Film and TV” faculty, dividing into departments of “Film Direction” and “Television.”

Over the years, the “Film Direction” department was led by educators like B. Sharip, R.G. Ospanova, D.K. Manabay, A.T. Aituarov, E.E. Akchalov, S.Zh. Azimov, G.B. Abildina, and M.K. Bakeeva.

In 2000, the departments of “Film Direction,” “Television Direction,” and “Authorial Telebroadcasting Direction” were established. The Department of “Direction of Screen Arts” was founded in 2017, incorporating three main directions: directing feature films, animation directing, and television directing.

As of today, the head of the Direction of Screen Arts is Master of Arts, senior lecturer Akhmetzhanova A.M.

The Department of “Direction of Screen Arts” is a structural unit of the educational institution, responsible for educational and methodical, mass, and educational work in the disciplines of “Art of Direction” and “Directorial Mastery,” compulsory for students of all departments. Among the teaching staff, 42.7% have academic degrees. The faculty includes 1 candidate of art history, 4 distinguished figures of Kazakhstan, 2 recipients of the State Prize, 5 PhD holders, 9 arts masters. The department’s staff is annually supplemented with teaching staff based on the annual educational workload.

Additionally, the department involves additional personnel, including teaching masters, employees of creative and scientific laboratories.

The department prepares specialists in the following specialties:

 For Bachelor’s degree (B023): Direction

 Program 6B02184 “Film Direction,” “TV Direction,” “Animation Direction”

For Master’s degree:

Program 7M028 Direction 7M02154 – “Film and TV Direction”

For Doctoral studies: Program D028

Program 8002184

The lectures and practical classes of the department are held in rooms No. 14, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, the cinema hall, and the television laboratory. These spaces are equipped with audio-video equipment that meets the requirements of classroom disciplines, as well as tapes and stage props on which films and TV programs are copied. Lectures and practical classes for special disciplines of the “Screen Arts Directing” department are conducted online, with some individual sessions with parents held offline by agreement with the management.

Merited figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Manabay D. K. conducts lectures and practical classes on subjects such as “Directing,” “Film Directing,” “Cinematic Directing I,” “Directorial Skill II,” and “Directorial Art.”

Merited figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Omar B. T. conducts lectures and practical classes on subjects such as “Screenwriting,” “Subject and Puppet Animation,” “Animation Directing,” “Artistic Solution of an Animated Film,” “Director’s Work with Performers and the Directing-Production Group,” and “Educational Practices.”

Merited Artist of Kazakhstan, Associate Professor Kalymbetov B. N. conducts lectures and practical classes on subjects such as “Practical Directing,” “Director’s Work in Post-Production,” and “Directing.”

Knight of the Order of “Qurmet,” Associate Professor Umirbaev D. teaches subjects like “Artistic Solution of a Film,” “Art of Directing,” “Film Directing,” and “Art of Directing.”

Professor Aitzhozhanova R. D. teaches subjects like “Director’s Work with the Actor,” “Acting Mastery,” and “Pre-camera Work of the Actor.”

Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor Abikeeva G. O. teaches subjects such as “Research Work of a Doctoral Student and Completion of a Doctoral Dissertation” and “Pedagogical Practice” (for doctoral studies).

Associate Professor Aituarov A. T. conducts lectures and practical classes on subjects such as “Practical Directing,” “Editing,” “Director’s Work in Post-Production,” “Writing and Defense of the Diploma Thesis (Project),” “Art of Directing,” and “Pre-Diploma Practice.”

Associate Professor Kalymbetov B. conducts lectures and practical classes on subjects such as “Practical Directing,” “Art of Directing,” “Director’s Work in Post-Production,” “Writing and Defense of the Diploma Thesis (Project).”

Associate Professor Baigozhina A. M. gives theoretical and practical classes on subjects like “Theory of Film Editing,” “Documentary Film Directing,” “Art of Directing,” and “Director’s Work with the Performer and the Directing-Production Group.”

Associate Professor Akchalov E. E. conducts theoretical and practical classes on subjects such as “Directorial Skill,” “Television Product Directing,” and “Doctoring Sound Recording.”

Associate Professor Lavrik N. A. teaches subjects related to film production and producing, including “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship,” “TV Film Production,” “Management and Organization of Film Production,” “Fundamentals of TV and Film Marketing,” and “Film Production.”

 In the Bachelor’s and Master’s programs, the following disciplines are taught by Dr. PhD, Senior Lecturer Tuyakbayeva A. Sh.: “Film Directing,” “Directorial Skill,” “Fundamentals of Scientific Research,” “Special Course (TV Directing),” “Modern Technologies and Principles of Editing in the Audiovisual Field,” “Master’s Student Research,” “Pedagogical Practice,” “Formatting and Defense of the Master’s Thesis.”

Dr. PhD, Lecturer Urazbayeva Sh. N. teaches disciplines such as “Theory of Editing,” “Director’s Work with Performers and the Directorial Group-Setter,” “Director’s Work with the Artist-Setter,” “Director’s Work with the Shooting Group,” “Master’s Student Research,” “Pedagogical Practice” in both the Bachelor’s and Master’s programs.

Master of Arts Aymurzin R. M. teaches theoretical and practical classes on disciplines such as “Animation Directing,” “Art of Directing,” “Animation as an Artistic Solution for Film,” “Working on a Course Film,” and “Animation Mastery.”

Dr. PhD, Senior Lecturer Bakeeva M. K. conducts lectures on disciplines such as “Master’s Student Research,” “Pedagogical Practice,” “Director’s Work with the Shooting Group,” “Production Practice” in both the Bachelor’s and Master’s programs.

Dr. PhD, Senior Lecturer Popov V. I. teaches subjects in the Bachelor’s and Master’s programs, including “Art of Directing,” “Master’s Student Research,” “Pedagogical Practice,” “Director’s Work with Performers and the Directorial-Production Group,” “Research Practices,” “Formatting and Defense of the Master’s Thesis,” “Production Practice.”

Senior Lecturer Bekhozhin M. K. teaches disciplines such as “Theory of Directing,” “Practical Directing,” “Writing and Defense of the Diploma Thesis (Project),” “Pre-Diploma Practice,” “Director’s Work with Performers and the Directorial-Production Group.”

Lectures and practical classes on disciplines such as “Fundamentals of Editing,” “TV Product Directing,” “Director’s Work with Performers and the Directorial Group-Setter,” “Art of Directing,” special seminar “Editing Practice,” “Production Practice” are conducted by Lecturer Duysenbayev A. T.

Lectures and practical classes on disciplines such as “Theory of Film Editing,” “Director’s Work with Performers and the Directorial-Production Group,” “Educational Practice,” “Editing” are conducted by Lecturer, Master of Arts Kurmasheva Zh.

Theoretical and practical classes on disciplines such as “Nonlinear Editing,” “2D Animation,” “Animation Technique II,” “Special Drawing” are conducted by Lecturer, Master of Arts Aymurzin R. M.

Theoretical and practical classes on disciplines such as “2D Animation,” “Animation Technique II,” “Special Drawing” are conducted by Lecturer K. Konurkuldjhinov.

Theoretical and practical classes on disciplines such as “Practical Directing,” special course (TV Directing) “Editing” are conducted by Lecturer, Master of Arts Alzhanov R.

Theoretical and practical classes on disciplines such as “Fundamentals of Editing,” “Editing” are conducted by Lecturer, Master of Arts Sardarbekova K.

In the discipline “Costume Styling for Film and TV,” Senior Lecturer Akhmetova S. K. conducts theoretical and practical classes.

Lectures and practical classes on disciplines such as “Editing,” “Educational Practice,” “Master’s Directing,” are conducted by Lecturer, Master of Arts Isaev O. M.

Lecturer, Master of Arts Sarbarbekova K. B. teaches disciplines such as “Editing” and “Editing Practice.”

All educators possess knowledge in the field of their specialty.

The main reasons why students of the “Film and TV” faculty develop their personality and the personality of future specialists in the field of cinema and television (screenwriter, director, producer, editor) are influenced by several educators. These educators have a significant impact on the creative, research, and scientific-methodological work, actively contributing to the holistic development of the spiritual and educational potential of students.

The pedagogical activities significantly influence the creative, research, and educational-methodological work, contributing to the holistic development of the spiritual and physical abilities of the students. This is evidenced by the execution of programs at international scientific-practical conferences, round tables, and the continuous professional development of the faculty. The faculty ensures students’ ability to adopt a social lifestyle, moral and aesthetic education, and the desire for knowledge, contributing to the formation of an educated generation and a qualified specialist.

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