• 11.02.2025

Department of the “History of Kazakhstan and social sciences”

  • ҚазҰӨА
  • Department of the “History of Kazakhstan and social sciences”

The Department  “History  of  Kazakhstan and social sciences ” operates from the opening of the higher education establishment. According to historical data, the first head of the department was N.I.Timoshin in 1980-1986.

In 1987-1992 years the department was headed by D.B.Kamzoldaev,           S. Batyrshaev, S.B.Dorzhanov.

In 1988-1990, the head of the department was B.K.Akhmetov.

In the period 1990-1993 Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor G.M. Musagaliev was appointed as the head of the Department.

Since September 1992 the name of the department was changed to “Philosophy and History.”

Prior to the merger with the Kazakh State Academy of Arts this Department of “Social-humanitarian subjects” was supervised by the Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor K.A.Alikulov.

In 1996-97 the Department of  “History  of  Kazakhstan and social sciences” was led by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor A.H.Esenzhani.

At the end of 1996-1997 study year the Department “SHS” won the competition “Best Department of the Year”.

In 1997-2000 the Department heads had been Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor S.F.Mazhitov and Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor S.K.Kaliev.

In 2001-2005 the head of the Department “Social-humanitarian subjects” was Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Sh.B.Kulmanova.

Since September 2004, due to the increase of teaching staff the Department was divided into two departments: “Social-humanitarian subjects” and “Language and Literature”.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor G.T.Aldambergenova was appointed as the head of the Department “Language and Literature”

Head of the Department “Social-humanitarian subjects” became Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Sh.B.Kulmanova.

In order to optimize the structure of the academy in September 2006, the Departments of “Social-humanitarian subjects” and “Language and Literature” were combined.

In 2005-2011 the Department was headed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Gauhar Toremuratovna Aldambergenova.

On 17 June 2013 the name of the department was changed to the “History of Kazakhstan and social sciences”.

Since September 2011 the Department of “Social-humanitarian subjects” has been directed by Candidate of Philosophy Sciences, Professor Aliya Sharabekovna Alimzhanova.

The basic principles of the teaching staff of the Department of “Social  on the theory and history of the world and domestic-and Humanities»  science and art, taking advantage of information and communication technologies, innovative methods and technologies, to form a creative young professional, national, universal values, love of country – the Republic of Kazakhstan, the respect for national traditions, to educate rejection of unconstitutional and anti-legal action, to participate actively in the political, economic and cultural life of the country, create legal awareness, scientific and philosophical outlook.

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