last name, first name: NaremgenovaAigul Amangeldievna
Post: Deputy Head of the Stage Speech Department at Kazakh National academy of Art named after T.K.Zhurgenev, lecturer
Degree: docent
Title:“Excellence in Culture” of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Academic and practical experience: Since 2009, Deputy Head of the Stage Speech Department at Kazakh National academy of Art named after T.K.Zhurgenev, lecturer
Subjects taught: “Stage speech II”; “Fundamentals of stage speech I, II”; “Technique of stage speech I, II”; “Work on the monologue I,II”
Creative, research and innovation activities:
- 2013 TV series “Father”, the role of doctor Manshuk
- 2014. “Does love look at age?” TV series, KAZ the postman-the role of Maral
- 2014. The series “Women’s passion”, the role of Marzhan
- 2015. TV series “Court cases”, the role of designer Madina
- 2015 The TV series “Divorced”, the role of Sholpan
- 2015 TV series “The Host”, the role of Gulbakhram
- 2015 The series “Dream”, the role of Side
- 2015, Comedy series “Q – eli” The role of Anar
- 2015. TV series “Wealthy family”, the role of Amina
- 2016 TV series “Zhibek”, the role of nurse Lyazzat
- 2016 TV series “Wolves”, the role of Zaure
- 2016 100-episode TV series “Ayman-Sholpan”, the role of the chief nurse Balnur
- 2016 comedy series “I will be the boss”, the role of Gulzira
- 2016 TV series “I believe in you”, the role of Karlygash
- 2017. The series “Mother’s Heart”, the role of the mother
- 2017. The TV series “Musical Brother”, the role of M. Makataev’s wife Lashyn
- 2017, the TV series “Red Level”, the female role of Bahabis
- 2018 historical film “Tomiris”, the role of the Danish “baibishe
- 2019 TV series “Zhibek”, the role of Saule
- 2019 TV series “The Kusainov Dynasty”, the role of a teacher
- 2019 TV series “The Return”, the role of the teacher
- 2020 TV series “Mentoring”, the role of the mother
- 2020 “Wingless Birds”, the role of Gauhar
- On December 1, 2020, on the Day of the First President under the Zoom program, Sheraliev Shymbolata, a 4th-year student, prepared for the performance of the poetry marathon “Personality and Art”
- On December 23, 2020, she starred in a production video “Adal” as a school principal and deputy akim.
- 2021 historical series “The Secret of the Palace”, the role of the merchant
- 2021 The series “White Rain”, the role of a hairdresser
- 2021 TV series “Gossips”, the role of a Ghoul
- 2021 The TV series “Relatives”, the role of Saule
- 2021 The series “A world without doors”, the role of the artist Madina.
- 30 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. To the creative online poetic concert “Theater is a source of spirituality”, organized within the framework of the article by Elbasy N.Nazarbayev” A look into the future: modernization of public consciousness”, prepared 3rd-year students in the specialty “Actor of drama theater and cinema.
- 2022 TV series “Togzhan”, the role of Banu
- Publications:
- 2010 Article “The relevance of oratory in the Kazakh theater”
- 2010 Article “The significance of proverbs and sayings in stage speech”
- 10.10.2016 Article “Batyrlar zhyry”. RNTC “Ana tilim – inkarim”, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the creative path of the Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, “Excellent student of education”, academician of the Koc, Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission Dariga Turankulova, ISBN 978-601-8792-23-7.97-100 P.
- 28.03.2017. “The meaning of linguistics”. “Theatrical art in the modern era.Theory and practice” MNPC.Alma-Almaty. ISBN 978-601-265-209-3.pp. 123-127.
- 19-21.11.2018 MNPK “Trends in the development of modern theatrical art within the framework of the implementation of the program “Rukhani zhangyru” dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Honored Worker of Kazakhstan A. B. Kulbayev” “Speech technique”. pp. 156-160 ISBN 978-601-218-323-9
- 25.10.2019 at the International Scientific and Practical Conference” “Actual problems of the development of continuing education:school, college, university – postgraduate education in the field of art” an article was published on the topic: “Some problems of maintaining the language of future actors who came after school ” (School – University).
- 26-27.04.2021 Ukraine, Pereyaslav, XXI International Scientific Conference “Actual scientific research in the modern world”, “Purity of the language of television and scenes-purity of the soul”.
- In April 2021, No. 4 (176) in the magazine “Culture” published an article “Development of natural speech and voice capabilities of young art professionals”.
Monographs, textbooks:
- 2015 school-methodical competition «Influence of Kazakh folklore on the development of scenic language culture»
- 2016 “Program of professional practices and methodological guidelines”, teaching-methodological department ISBN 978-601 – 265-213-0.p. 56
- 2018 teaching-methodical set “Methodical set according to proforientations”, Punish them. T. K. Gjurgenova
- 2003 laureate of the Republican festival of performances for children and youth named after. N. Sats
- 2004 For “Acting skills” of the administration of the city of Aktau (letter of thanks)
- 2018 member of the jury of the baaykau “Tіl-tatulyk tiregi”, organized with the support of the Department of Internal Policy of Almaty (letter of thanks)
- 2018 “Letter of thanks” from the rector of KazNAI named after. T. Zhurgenova
- 2019 Member of the jury of the International, Republican contest of the art word “Nurly Zhastar” (letter of thanks)
- 2019 “Letter of thanks” named after the akim of the Auezov district of Almaty city for the performance of the duties of the protagonist of the literary and art competition “Almaty -mangilik zhuregimde”, held in the framework of the program “Rukhani zhangyru”
- 2019 “Certificate of Honor” from the Ministry of Culture
- “2019 Member of the jury of the republican competition of children’s and youth art “Samga” (letter of thanks)
- 2020 Taldykorgan, member of the jury of the Republican Olympiad in the Kazakh language “Zharkyn bolashak” (letter of thanks)
- 2020 “Excellence in Culture” of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Contact details: cell phone: 87026619811
Mail: Aiko-8080@mail.ru