• 14.03.2025

“History of Arts” of the Department of History and Theory of Fine Arts, the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, 3rd year students of the Department of Art Education, in the subject “Critical Skill” the second stage of the XIII Republican student subject Olympiads.


Mar 30, 2021

03/16/2021 Among the students of 2-3 courses of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.K. Zhurgenov specialty “History of Arts” of the Department of History and Theory of Fine Arts, the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, 3rd year students of the Department of Art Education, in the subject “Critical Skill” the second stage of the XIII Republican student subject Olympiads.

According to the program, students were asked three topics: “Creativity of the first Kazakhstani professional sculptor H. Nauryzbaev”, “Actual problems of fine arts in Kazakhstan today”, “Free topic: Works of Kazakh and foreign artists (stylistic analysis)”. The Olympiad was judged by: Head of the Department of History and Theory of Fine Arts, Professor Orazkulova Kaldygul Serikbayevna, PhD Doctor of the Department of Fine Arts, Senior Lecturer at the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Akhmet Yasavi, “Honored Artist of Kazakhstan” Rysymbetov Yerzhan Kurbanalievich; Master of Arts – Senior Lecturer Laila Kenzhebaeva; teacher – Master of Arts Dzhabykbaeva Meruert; teacher – PhD doctor Musabekova Laura. Executive Secretary: Master of Arts, teacher Akerke Abdrakhmanova.

Olympiad (competition) results:

1st place – 3-year student of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after I. T.K Zhurgenova – Kupzhursin Yigerim, (supervisor: teacher – Master of Arts Dzhabykbaeva M.B.)

2nd place – a 2-year student of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after I. T.K Zhurgenova – Tulkenova Dilyara, (supervisor: teacher – PhD doctor Musabekova L.D.)

2nd place – a 2-year student of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after I. T.K Zhurgenova – Shintemirova Aizhan, (supervisor: teacher – PhD doctor Musabekova L.D.)

3rd place – a 3-year student of the Kazakh National University of Arts – Galymkyzy Merey (supervisor: Professor – Candidate of Art History Asylbekova A.M.)

3rd place – 3-year student of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai – Nurzhum Shahizat (Supervisor: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Akbaeva Sh.A.)

3rd place – a 2-year student at the Kazakh National Academy of Arts. T.K Zhurgenova – Erezhep Zharas (supervisor: teacher – PhD doctor Musabekova L.D.)

A letter of gratitude is awarded – a 3-year student of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts. T.K Zhurgenova – Shayakhmet Aisұlu (supervisor: teacher – master of art history Dzhabykbaeva M.B.)

A letter of gratitude is awarded – a 2-year student of the Kazakh National University of Arts Shynarbek Nazerke (scientific supervisor: Professor – Candidate of Art Criticism Asylbekova A.M.)

A letter of gratitude is awarded – a 3-year student of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai – Biakhmetov Nurtas (Supervisor: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Akbaeva Sh.A.)

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