• 29.03.2025

Professorial and teaching staff of the Department of “Decorative Art”

  • ҚазҰӨА
  • Professorial and teaching staff of the Department of “Decorative Art”
1Bazarbayeva Raushan Yerkenovna                    Professor (HAC), Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the best university teacher of 2013, cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan       resume
2Bapanova Saule Syzdykovna                      Associate Professor (HAC), Professor (ak.), Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan       resume
3Beristenov Zhanarbek Tanigazinovich Professor (HAC), Candidate of Phil.sciences, cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the best teacher of the university in 2012.       resume
4Daubaev Estai Serikbayevich                       Professor (ak.), Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan.       resume
5Doszhanov Bauyrzhan Tattibekovich                                Senior Lecturer, Master of Arts       resume
6Magzumov Maksat Mukamzhanovich                  senior lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences       resume
7Taldybayeva Ainur Sauletzhanovna               head of the department, senior lecturer, Master of Arts       resume
8Tazhibayev Yersultansenior lecturer       resume
9Tulakbaeva Kyzgaltak Zhaksylykovna                          senior lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences.       resume
10Kenjakulova Ainur Berikovna    teacher, PhD doctor resume
11Ernazar Kerim Anuarbekuly    teacher, Master of Arts resume
12Zeinisheva Botagoz Nurlanovnateacher, Master of Artsresume
13Ramadanova Zhanna Didarbekovnateacher, Master of Artsresume
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