On 26.11.2024 at the faculty «Choreography» the presentation of books on choreography took place. The presentation was held in the framework of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference «Directing and pedagogy of choreographic art: traditions and innovations», dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Faculty of «Choreography» of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after Temirbek Zhurgenov. The event was organized by the Faculty of «Choreography» together with the Library of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after Temirbek Zhurgenov. The following works were presented at the presentation:
- 1) The reprinting of the educational and methodical manual «Alphabet of dance art» by Zhakipova Kuanysh Mailinovna;
- 2) Reprinting of the textbook «History of Kazakh Dance» by Abirov Dauren Tastanbekovich;
- 3) Reprinting of the monograph «Ballet Art of Kazakhstan» by Lydia Petrovna Sarynova;
- 4) Presentation of the textbook «Folk-Scenic Dance. Theory and Practice» (authors Alisheva A., Abdulina N., Don G., Saifullina G.)
- 5) Presentation of the textbook «Choreographic Heritage. P. I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “Swan Lake”» by Dmitry Valentinovich Sushkov and Raushan Khatiyatovna Baiseitova.
The presentation was attended by teachers, doctoral students, master students and students of the faculty of «Choreography», teachers of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography, Alexander Seleznev Almaty Choreographic School.