Head of the Chair «Pedagogy of Choreography» took part in the Republican Seminar
On November 16, 2023 the head of the chair «Pedagogy of Choreography», senior lecturer Auhadiyev Ilzat Rishatovich participated in the…
On November 16, 2023 the head of the chair «Pedagogy of Choreography», senior lecturer Auhadiyev Ilzat Rishatovich participated in the…
Выписка из Протокола Засед. Ученого совета-каз. Заключение экспертной группы_ЛПВ-2023 Протокол засед.Конк.комиссии_ЛПВ-2023 The annual competition “The Best University Teacher” is held…
Congratulations to Saduakhassova Dana and Sanamassova Aisha – 4th year students of the EP “Fashion and Costume Design”! EURASIAN…
On November 13, the Department of «Fashion and Costume Design» organized a meeting with Fabrizio Perez Martinez, professor at IED.…
The festival of CIS countries «GITIS – master class» opened with the performance «Mozart». The Kazakh National Academy of Arts…
International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of theater science and education in the context of modern challenges», dedicated to…
October 31, 2023 at the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after Temirbek Zhurgenova is a statesman and public figure,…
As part of the “Donate a Book to the Library” Campaign, on November 8, 2023, Aida Zhagfarovna Sarsembayeva, Candidate of…
November 9, 2023, 11:00 a.m. Round Table on the topic “Kazakhstan scenography in the era of transformation of cultural values…