• 22.12.2024

«Хореографиялық өнердің режиссурасы мен педагогикасы: дәстүрлер мен инновациялар» атты халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференциясы


Sep 8, 2023


We invite you to participate in a joint project of the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts and the State Academic Dance Theater of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

International Scientific Conference:

«Directing and pedagogy of choreographic art: traditions and innovations», dedicated to the memory of the People’s Artist of Kazakhstan Bulat Ayukhanov, which will be held on November 27, 2023.

The main directions of the conference work:

  • 1. A look at Bulat Ayukhanov through the eyes of his contemporaries;
  • 2. Topical issues of choreographic art and education: history, theory, practice;
  • 3. Interdisciplinary research in art: modern approaches and trends.

Ballet historians, theater scholars, musicologists, art historians, film scholars, scientists, ballet artists, choreography educators, ballet masters, university professors, museum specialists, students, postgraduates, doctoral candidates, and researchers engaged in scientific and methodological research in the fields of art history, art theory, and art criticism are invited to participate.

Within the framework of the conference it is planned to give scientific reports by figures of science and art and a concert of the State Academic Dance Theater of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Proceedings will be published before the conference. The Proceedings will be assigned a library index (UDC and LBC) and an international standard book number (ISBN).

Applications and articles are submitted to the editorial office until 10th October, 2022 at kaznai_ballet@mail.ru with the obligatory indication of the subject of the letter: «KAZNAI CONFERENCE 2023».

See the Appendix 1. Article Requirements and Appendix 2. Application form.

The time limit for presentations is up to 7 minutes (+3 minutes of discussion)

Official languages of the conference: Kazakh, Russian, English.

Conference venue: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Panfilov st., 127, Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, educational theatre, cinema hall, classroom complex of the «Choreography» faculty.

Three days before the start of the conference, the Program of Events and the Schedule of the Conference will be sent out in accordance with the applications received.

The opening of the conference will be held on November 27, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at the address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Panfilov st., 127, in the Cinema Hall of the Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts.

  • Forms of participation: Offline / Online, In-person / Distance
  • Conference ZOOM ID: 670 635 6048
  • Password: 2022

Address of the organizing committee: Kazakh National Academy of Arts names after T. Zhurgenova: 050000, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, st. Panfilova, 127, Department of choreography.

  • The contact (WhatsApp, Telegram): +77012985554 (Sushkov Dmitriy)
  • E-mail: kaznai.ballet@gmail.com
  • Instagram: @kaznai_dance
  • Facebook: @Факультет Хореография Алматы
  • Official site: http://www.kaznai.kz/

Application form

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