• 25.03.2025

Department of “Computer Technologies”

Satybaldieva Feruza Abubakirovna

head of the department


The Department of Computer Technologies conducts scientific and pedagogical activities in 2017 as an independent structural unit of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. K. Zhurgenov.

The Department of Computer Technologies was founded in 2017.

The first and current head is Feruza Abubakirovna Satybaldieva.

The task of the department is to provide the educational process with systemic knowledge that allows one to acquire skills in creating information and computer technologies that cover the information processes of the entire enterprise, achieving their complete consistency, redundancy and transparency. Study of modern methods of data analysis, mathematical and information graphic modeling, as well as computer implementation of these methods. Achieving gradual integration of education, science and production. As well as carrying out research activities, expanding and deepening international and intra-republican cooperation, ensuring professional growth of employees, ensuring scientific and practical activities of students.

The department trains specialists in the field of IT&ART systems, recruits for specialty 6B02180 – Media journalism (bachelor’s degree); 6B02196 – Media and Game technology (bachelor’s degree).

Among the teachers of the Computer Technologies department there is 1 doctor and 6 candidates of science, 2PhD, 4 masters. The teachers of the department are major specialists of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of information systems and technologies. 2 graduates of the program Bolashak working at the department.

Graduates of the department can work as media and data journalists, SMM managers, programmers, web developers, network and database administrators in almost any organization, including the media, commercial organizations, research organizations, educational institutions.


The mission of the department is to constantly expand the boundaries of scientific and educational activities, to train the most innovative personnel in the field of information systems

The department employs highly qualified specialists, including:

  • – Satybaldieva F.A. – “Computer technologies” Head of the Department;
  • – Altekova I.S. – “Computer Technologies” Master, senior lecturer of the Department;
  • – Auezbaeva T.E. – “Computer technologies” senior lecturer of the department;
  • –  Sambetova A.A. – “Computer technologies” senior lecturer of the department;
  • – Toikenov G. Ch. – “Computer technologies” Associate Professor, senior lecturer of the department;
  • –  Ramazan A.A. – “Computer technologies” Associate Professor, senior lecturer of the Department;
  • – Saribayev S.S. – “Computer technologies” senior lecturer of the department;
  •  – Alimzhanova A.B. – “Computer Technologies” PhD, senior lecturer of the Department;
  • – Esenbekova G.Zh. – “Computer technologies” Associate Professor, senior lecturer of the Department;
  • – Zhumangalieva N.K. – “Computer technologies” Master, lecturer of the department;
  • – Bisenova N.Zh. – “Computer technologies” Master’s degree, lecturer of the Department;
  • – Sarybai M.A. – “Computer Technologies” Master, senior lecturer of the Department;
  • – Torehankyzy Zh. – “Computer technologies” Master, lecturer of the department;
  • – Ualikhan G.A. – “Computer technologies” laboratory assistant of the department.

The Department of Computer Technologies of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. K. Zhurgenov has trained specialists in the field of Media journalism who work in the media, in production, in publishing houses, in secondary and higher educational institutions of the republic, in educational institutions of far and near abroad.

As a result of their active international relations, the teachers of the department create opportunities for academic mobility of students and teachers in the world’s leading research centers and universities to train students for 1-2 semesters.

Sadvakas Shattyk Serikkalievna is awarded for the 1st place in the competition ” 175 years of the great Abai”.

2019-20 O. G. 3rd year students majoring in Media Journalism Kadyr Diana, Muratova Alina studied at Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Finland.

2021-2022 O. J. to the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named afterStudent Sami Aspelund from the University of Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Finland came to the specialty “Media Journalism” of the Department of Computer Technology.

2021-2022 O. J. Modibayeva Asem, a 4th-year student of the specialty ” Media Journalism”, was educated at the Jan Matejko Academy of Arts in Poland.

Teachers and students of the department are constantly improving their knowledge of the specialty and foreign language.

During the academic year, the head of the Department of “Computer Technologies” Satybaldieva Feruza Abubakirovna and senior lecturer Sarybai Madina give lectures and conduct master classes in the areas of journalism, public relations, IT, media and graphic design at the department by scientists of a foreign university.

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