• 12.03.2025



Jun 14, 2022

From June 6 to June 10, 2022 at the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.K.Zhurgenov professor of the chair “History and theory of fine arts”, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, museum expert, member of ICOM Musakhanova Madina conducted advanced training courses for museum workers of Kazakhstan on the author’s program “TECHNOLOGY AND ORGANISATION OF EXCURSIVE SERVICES”.

Within the framework of the program the students were introduced to the following sections:

  • Section 1. The essence of an excursion, functions and signs of an excursion 
  • Section 2: Classification of excursions
  • Section 3: Technology for preparing a new field trip
  • Section 4. The personality of the tour guide
  • Section 5. Innovations in excursion activities

The duration of the courses was 36 academic hours.

Employees of Lysakov museum of history and culture of Upper Pritobolie of Kostanay region, historical and local lore museum named after Beimbet Mailin, Zhangeldy complex of Torgay museums, specialists of the Department of culture of Turkestan region took an active part in the program of professional development courses.

The attendees of the professional development course mastered traditional and innovative approaches to the organization of excursion activity taking into account modern requirements and trends in museum business.

At the end of the course the participants received a certificate of the established form.

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