• 25.03.2025

Department of “Decorative Art”

Educational programs

Professorial and teaching staff


Achievements of the department

History of the Department of Decorative Arts

Due to the increasing demand of the population for decorative and applied arts, the newly opened “Theater and Art Institute” in 1978 for the first time opened the Faculty of “Interior and Equipment” and the Department of “Art Textiles”. Since that time, the department has been continuously producing specialists in the field of decorative and applied arts, today many graduates of the department successfully work in various fields of creative and teaching activities of the country.

From the first day of the opening of the Department of “Art Textiles”, Associate Professor Sadygulov R.S. was the head of the department.. The teaching staff consisted of graduates who graduated from the Russian Institutes of Arts: Izbaskanova M.K., Bapanova S.S., Khodzhieva F.F.. Ermekbayeva A.K., Ibraishina G.K. A program for the specialty “Decorative art” was written. From 1978 to 1999, the training and production practices of the Department of “Artistic Textiles” took place at the Almaty Cotton Mill, the Almaty Carpet Factory, the Ust-Kamenogorsk Silk Fabric Mill, the Kargaly Cloth Mill, as well as in the cities of Moscow, Leningrad, Riga, Vilnius, Kiev, Lviv, Tbilisi, Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Turkestan and other cities as planned. “Art textiles” over the years, the department was headed by Sadygulov R.S., Ibraishina G. K., Khodzhieva F.A., Ermekbayeva A.K., Sarsenbayev A. S.,. Bapanova S. S.

Departments of “Decorative and applied art”, “Artistic metalworking, etc. The heads in different years were Belov Yu.I., T. Zhalmukhanov, I.T. Akhmetov R., Migunov T., Candidate of Art History K.K.Murataev, D. Z. Kametkanov, Dosmaganbetova G. Z., Shokparov D., Atamkulov B.A. The teachers of the department included graduates of Russian institutes specializing in Jewelry”, “Artistic processing of wood”, “Artistic ceramics” Kanafin K., Efimov T., Dosmaganbetova G. Z., Dosetov G., R. Akhmetov, T. Zhalmukhanov. S. T. Sagimbekov .

The educational process, scientific-methodical and scientific-creative work met all the requirements of the higher educational institution, and was set at a high level.

In 2000, by the decision of the Academy Council, the specialization of “Decorative and Applied Arts” merged into one department.
From 2003 to 2022, the Department of Decorative Arts was headed by a Cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honorary Worker of Education R.K., “The best teacher of the University of 2013 “, Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission, headed by R.E.Bazarbayeva. Since 2022, the head of the department is a senior lecturer, Master of Art Taldybaeva A.S.

To date, specialists with higher education are trained at the department in four trajectories. Currently, the teaching staff of the department consists of:
2 – honored Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 4 – cultural workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1-excellent student in the field of culture, 7 – members of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 4- members of the Union of Designers of Eurasia. And also, of them: 1 – candidate of philosophical sciences, 2 – professor of the Higher Attestation Commission, 2- academic professors, 1-associate professor of the Higher Attestation Commission, 2- the best teachers of the university, 2 – academic associate professors, 1 – winner of the Republican and Youth Awards.

The scientific potential and professional creative qualification of the department is at a high level. At this time, the department has switched to a multi-level system of training specialists (bachelor’s degree, master’s and doctoral studies). Since 2010, 5 Doctors of Philosophy PhD, 20 master’s theses in art history have been defended at the department. If in 2012 the professor of the department, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Zh.T. Beristenov was awarded the title of “The best teacher of a higher educational institution”, then in 2013 this honorary title was awarded to B.E. Bazarbayeva with the allocation of a state grant. The pulse of knowledge and the creative atmosphere of the department is filled with professors Bapanova S.S., Bazarbayeva R.E., Sarsenbaev A.S., Beristenov Zh.T., Kumarov A.M., Daubaev E.S., and such young and promising teachers as Tazhibaev E.K., Taldybaeva A.S., Tulakbaeva K.Zh., Magzumov M.M., Doszhanov B.T. contribute the energy of youth and bold searches in this teaching staff.

The department tirelessly prepares luminaries of culture and art, masters of applied art for our country, which makes a huge contribution to the development of decorative art and culture of our vast Republic, exerting an unconditional influence in the formation of creative personalities, as well as the department of “Decorative Art” was and is the initiator of the most interesting projects in the field of art and culture of our state. Today, the Department of Decorative Art is proud not only of excellent teachers, but also graduates, professional artists, whose numerous exhibitions have been held and are being held in Kazakhstan and abroad. In the period 1978-2023, the department graduated more than 400 specialists of art and culture. To date, graduates are successfully engaged in creative and pedagogical activities in different cities of our republic.

Young students, undergraduates and doctoral students take an active part in the social life of the department and in holding various events and competitions.

Currently, the department performs the most important tasks in order to provide conditions and opportunities for obtaining the most modern and prestigious specialty of students in the field of decorative arts. Awarding the first places to students of the Department of Decorative Arts in the annual republican competitions that are held between different specialties of higher educational institutions, receiving a second-year undergraduate student of the Youth Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Daryn” shows the high scientific and creative potential of our department. A wide range of specialties has a positive effect on the implementation of various artistic ideas of graduates. The sphere of artistic and aesthetic education and education puts forward absolutely the latest requirements of the modern public: the real necessary knowledge is the knowledge of art, if we look at it more broadly, of course, this knowledge covers all the important components of education in the sphere of culture. The department teaches students not only the knowledge of art, but also the tasks of mastering,

The task of the department is to prepare graduates of academic education based on practical skills, with a deep knowledge of history, theoretical and methodological skills. The department works in the direction of science

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