• 01.04.2025



Apr 18, 2023



among students of creative universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan,

dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Temirbek Zhurgenov

From March 27 to April 1, 2023, in accordance with the decision of the Committee of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as a base university, the Kazakh National Academy named after Temirbek Zhurgenov organized and held the second stage of the XV Republican Student Subject Olympiad. The organizing committee of the Olympiad, approved by the order of the rector dated 09.03.2023 No. 01 / 04-93П, and those responsible for holding the II stage of the Republican Student Subject Olympiad (order No. 01 / 04-94П dated 09.03.2023) carried out organizational work on the preparation and conduct national events.

The Olympiad was held in the following groups of educational program groups and educational programs (in accordance with the annex to the letter 06-2 / 83-vn dated March 15, 2023 of the Committee for Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan):

6B02192 – Acting, specialization “Artist of musical theater”

5В040600 – Theater directing, subject “Direction”

6В02192 – Acting art, specialization “Artist of drama theater and cinema

6В02192 – Acting art, Nomination “Poetry”

6В02192 – Acting art, Nomination “Prose”

6В02192 – Acting art, Nomination “Monologue”

6B02192 – Acting, Nomination “Staging of the story”

6B02192 – Acting art, Nomination “Humorous story”

ГОП – В027 – Theatrical art. Nomination “Works of the classical genre”

ГОП – В027 – Theatrical art. Nomination “Classics, romance, serenade, ballad”.

ГОП – В027 Theatrical Art, Nomination “Operetta, Opera, Musical Works”.

ГОП – В027 – Theatrical art. Nomination “Works of folk composers”

ГОП – В027 – Theatrical Art, Nomination “Folk Songs”

ГОП – В027 – Theatrical art, Nomination “Retro songs of Kazakh and foreign composers”

ГОП – В027 – Theatrical art, nomination “Songs of the Patriotic and Soviet era”

ГОП – В027 – Theatrical art, Nomination “Songs from theatrical performances and films”

ГОП – В027 – Theatrical art. Nomination “Duet”

6В02193 – Scenography, stage costume specialization

6B02193 – Scenography, specialization “Theatrical make-up”

6B02193 – Scenography, specialization “Film and TV Artist”

6B02193 – Scenography, specialty “Multimedia scenography”

6B02192 – Acting, Stage Fight Nomination

6B02192 – Acting, Stage Movement Nomination

6B02192 – Acting Arts, Nomination “Dance”

6B02192 – Acting Arts, Nomination “Step”

6B02192 – Acting art, Nomination “Subject Acting skills in plastic structure”

6B02192 – Acting Arts, Nomination “Pantomime”

6B02195-Art History

6В02195 – Theater Studies

6B02195 – Art history, specialization “Cinema and TV dramaturgy”

6B02195 – Art history, specialization “Cinema”

6В002185 – Painting

6В02186 – Sculpture

6B02187- Graphics

6B02188, 6B02117 – Artistic textiles

6V02188, 6V02117 – Jewelery

6В02188 – Artistic processing of wood

6B02188, 6B02117 – Artistic ceramics

6В02141 – Fashion and costume design

6B02184 – Directing, specializations “Direction of a feature film”, “Direction of TV”

6B02183 – Directing, specialization “Direction of an animated film”

6B02194 – Variety Art, specialization “Variety Orchestra Artist”

6В02127 – Direction of musical sound

Base university:

Kazakh National Academy of Arts. T. K. Zhurgenova (Almaty)

Participating higher education institutions:

  • 1. Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Almaty)
  • 2. Institute of design and technology “Symbat” of the Almaty Humanitarian and Economic University (Almaty)
  • 3. Almaty Technological University (Almaty)
  • 4. AlmaU University (Almaty)
  • 5. Eurasian Technological University (Almaty)
  • 6. West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisov (Uralsk)
  • 7. Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after Temirbek Zhurgenov (Almaty)
  • 8. Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy (Almaty)
  • 9. Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University (Almaty)
  • 10. Kazakh National University of Arts (Nur-Sultan)
  • 11. International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Kh. A. Yasawi (Turkestan)
  • 12. Taraz State University named after M. Kh. Dulati (Taraz)
  • 13. Turan University (Almaty)
  • 14. M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University (Shymkent)
  • 15. Shakarim University of Semey

The competition commission, approved by the Order of the Rector dated March 16, 2023 No. 01 / 04-105P, determined the winners of the II stage of the XV Republican Subject Olympiad.

In the II stage of the XV Republican student subject Olympiad, held at the base university – the Kazakh National Academy

Academy of Arts named after Temirbek Zhurgenov – only 393 participants from all over the republic took part and 237 of them became winners.

All protocols of competition committees for all types of educational programs can be found here.

  1. Кинотану-Хаттама-олимпиада-2-кезең
  2. Хаттама КТД 2 кезең Олимпиада
  3. Театр өнері-Хаттама-Олимп-2-кезең
  4. Сценография-Хаттама-Олимп.-2-кезең
  5. Көркемсурет кафедра протокол олимп
  6. Мода и костюм протокол олимп
  7. Сәндік өнер
  9. Музцкалық өнер протокол олимп
  10. Хаттама 2 Тур Аудоөндіріс БББ 28.03.23
  11. Бейнелеу өнері-Хаттама-Олимпиада-ІІ этап сканер
  12. Театртану-2-кезең-Олимпиада-Хаттама

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