• 25.10.2024

History and Theory of Film department

Educational programs

Professorial and teaching staff

   Department of “History and Theory of Film” is specialized from April 1, 2002 of Film Studies within the Faculty “Art Criticism”, also this department widely organizes the studying process in historical and theoretical disciplines at the “Art criticism” and “Cinema and TV” faculties for all specialties.

   Before the formation of the department there was a section “Film Studies” within the general academic chair of “Art Criticism”. Major disciplines in preparing specialists of film studies are –  the “Theory of Film”, “Skill critics,” “Viewing-Seminar”, “Specialty Seminar”. Lectures and seminars on: “The history of Kazakh cinema”, “History of World Cinema”, “Film History of the CIS” are held mostly on the 1-2 courses of the film specialists. Students from the second course of “Art criticism” and “Cinema and TV” faculties study disciplines “Theory of Film” and “History of World Cinema” in-depth, consisting of several blocks (the first year of study “European Cinema” second year “Cinema of America” third year study – “Asian Cinema”).  Teaching staff of this department lead some more disciplines as: “Introduction to the profession”, “The History of Animation”, “Fine the solution of the film”, “Psychology of creativity” according to the state standard. Teaching disciplines are accompanied by screenings of films.                                             

Currently, famous figures of Kazakh art, writers and playwrights Dulat Isabekov, Smagul Yelubai, Sultanali Balgabai, Akhmet Akmonshak, Murat Kholganat are studying in the workshops of “kinoteledramaturgy” as part of the department. The heads of the courses on the specialization “film studies” are Darezhan Omirbayev, Baubek Nogerbek, Gulnar Mursalimova, Aidar Alma, Amirbekova Dana, Dzhumabekov Yerzhan.

   Teaching staff of the department are actively involved in the creative and scientific-critical activities. At the department 4 professors, 3 associate professors, 2 candidates of sciences, 2 doctors PhD, 2 Laureate of the State Prize of RK, 3 honored worker of arts of Kazakhstan are conducting classes, as well as 1 Winner of international and national film festivals.

   Department graduates occupy senior positions in the field of film and TV business; they work as directors, producers, screenwriters, TV presenters on state and commercial TV channels.

Purpose and objectives:

Department “History and Theory of Cinema” has the status of issuing, with responsibility for the preparation and training of specialists for the various branches of culture and art by specialization: “film studies”, “Film and TV playwriting”.

The goal of the Department “History and Theory of Cinema” – training of highly qualified and competitive professionals, education harmoniously developed personality, focused on self-improvement and development in today’s dynamically developing world; owning the new information technologies; with an active civil position; able to:

– to explore the major trends in the development of cinema art in historical, theoretical aspects of contemporary, revealing the essence and importance of cinematography in Kazakhstan in the context of the global art process;

– to predict the possible further development of the Kazakh cinema art in light of the concepts and methodologies of contemporary art history;

– to provide training and retraining specialties on: “Film studies”, “Film and TV play writers”.

         Implementation of the “Art” educational program (specialization: film studies, Film and TV playwriting is defined by its purpose and development plan, and has three levels of education: Bachelor, Master and Doctorate.

The main tasks of the department:

– organizing and conducting educational, methodical work assigned to the department of academic disciplines;

– сoordination of all training forms of specialists (class, SSWT, the SSW) on professional and special disciplines;

– monitoring compliance with interdisciplinary connections in accordance with the curriculum;

– carrying out scientific research on the profile of the department, the publication of their results (monographs, articles, manuals, collections);

– preparation of the teaching staff through master and doctoral studies;

– career guidance and educational work of students;

– improvement of the educational process (improving the quality of education and training in the field of “film studies and” Film and TV playwriting”, improvement of professional skills of teaching);

– conducting methodical work on curriculum development, textbooks and teaching materials;

– participation in the complex, inter-chair, interfaculty and interuniversity research;

– development of the research environment, innovation activities of students;

– The organization of methodological workshops for faculty to improve the teaching skills.

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