• 20.09.2024

The XIV Republican Subject Olympiad in the direction of “Art Criticism” was held


Apr 5, 2022

From March 28 to March 29, 2022, according to OP 6B02195 “Art History”, the XIV Republican Subject Olympiad was held in basic higher educational institutions among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Students from 2-3 courses actively participated in the Olympiad and showed their qualifications.

“Art Criticism” based on the results of the Olympiad:

I place – Rukhanova Akdana (2nd year, supervisor: K.S. Orazkulova – Head of the Department “History and Theory of Fine Arts”, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Professor);

II place – Tulkenova Dilyara (3rd year, supervisor: Musabekova L.D. – lecturer, PhD);

II place – Taskynbaeva Zhanelya (3rd year, supervisor: Asylbekova A.M – Professor of the Department of “Theater Art and Art History” KazNUI, Candidate of Art History)

III place – Shakir Shugyla (3rd year, supervisor: Musabekova L.D – lecturer, PhD);

III place – Kozhamuratova Aitolkyn (3rd year, supervisor: Akbaeva Sh.A – Associate Professor of the Department “Department of Art Education” of Abai KazNPU, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences);

III place – Serikbai Aigerim (2nd year, supervisor: K.S. Orazkulova – Head of the Department “History and Theory of Fine Arts”, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Professor);

“Theater Studies” based on the results of the Olympiad:

I place – Rana Nazarova (3rd year, supervisor: Mukan A.O. – Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor) ;

II place – Aigerim Khairbeg (3rd year, supervisor: Kadyralieva A.O. – senior lecturer of the Department of Theater Art and Art History of KazNUI, Master of Art History);

III place – Bakzhanar Tolkynbekkyzy (3rd year, supervisor: Kadyralieva A.O. – senior lecturer of the Department of “Theatrical Art and Art History” KazNUI, Master of Art History);

III place – Albina Birlikbai (3rd year, supervisor: Mukan A.O. – Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor);

III place – Makpal Abduzhabbarova (1st year, supervisor: Z.U. Islambayeva – Candidate of Art History, Professor);

“Kinoteledramaturgy” based on the results of the Olympiad:

I place – Algozhaeva Mia (3rd year, head: Kusainov Sh.K – Professor);

II place – Yerzhanova Karina (3rd year, head: Nurgalym Ularbek – senior lecturer of the Department of Theater Art and Art History of KazNUI, Master of Art History);

II place – Zhakypova Ayaulym (2nd year, head: Mukanova R.K. – professor of the Department of “Theatrical Art and Art History” KazNUI);

III place – Nakabyl Tolganai (2nd year, head: Balgabaev S.B – professor); 

III place – Adilkhan Yerlan (3rd year, supervisor: Akhmet A.B. – Master of Art History, senior lecturer);

III place – Moldabai Kamshat (2nd year, supervisor: Izimova A.X – Master of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher); 

“Film studies” based on the results of the Olympiad:

I place – Kamashbek Akerke (3rd year, supervisor: Nauruzbekova K.K. – professor);

II place – Yerkinkyzy Layli (2nd year, head: Nogerbek B.B. – Associate Professor, PhD);

II place – Temirkhan Daria (3rd year, supervisor: Professor of the Department of Theater Art and Art History of KazNUI, Candidate of Art History);

III place – Orynbai Bibigul (2nd year, head: Nogerbek S.B. – senior lecturer of the Department of “Theatrical Art and Art History” KazNUI);

III place – Sadan Isa (2nd year, head: Nogerbek B.B. – Associate Professor, PhD);

III place – Duysen Aniyat (2nd year, head: Nogerbek B.B. – Associate Professor, PhD);

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