• 25.10.2024


Vice-Rector For Research at T. K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts RSC MCS RK since 1 September 2014 year

  • Date of Birth: 09.10.1969
  • Place of Birth: Almaty Region
  • Nationality: kazakh
  • Education:


  • 2001-2004 – post-graduate at the Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Sciences of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
  • 1994 – graduated from the Moscow State Academic Institute of Art
  • 1988 – graduated from Almaty College of Art

Other language(s) skills:

Russian, English

The Degree

  • Professor of ‘Art Studies’ Ministry of Education RK – September 2018
  • HIGHER DOCTORATE Philosophical sciences –  April 11 2011
  • Candidate of the philosophical sciences – a September 09 2005


  • 2019 – Highest Award – the Order of the CONCORDE International Academy. Since 14.06.2019 accepted as full member of the CONCORD International Academy for the development and implementation of international projects “Kazakh Fairytales” and “Attila and Aetius” in Paris, France.
  • 2014 – Rewards nomination “The best scenography” on theatre festival dedicated to the 100th anniversary of People’s Artist S.Maykanovа in Kazdramteatre named after M. Auezov for artistic design of the play “Tansylu.”1992 – rewards with diplomas for the best work on exhibition students of Kazahstan in Post. Representation in Moscow
  • 2011 – The ‘Best Teacher’ of the competition of Minister Education RK  
  • 1997 – a laureate Presidential scholarship RK
  • 1998 – 2000 rewards with diplomas of the International Festival young The Artist “ZHiger 98”
  • 2007 – rewards for play “Lightning in paradise” U.Saroyan. Nomination “For best artistic interpreting the classical production” on II- International Theatrical Festival of CENTRAL- Asian countries
  • 2007 – rewards for play “Artist and beauty” T.Ahmetzhan. “Best production” on II- International Theatrical Festival of CENTRAL- Asian countries
  • 2005 – GRANPRI on Theatrical Festival “Saken-Seri (Kokshetau)

Research Projects:

Project Supervisor: International research project with Hungarian and Kazakh scientists: 11/01/2021 – the project was launched. “Science and Culture 2022 – Digitalization and Distance Studies of Intercultural Relations” Budapest (Hungary) Almaty (Kazakhstan). Slavic Intercultural Research Group ‘Szlavic Intercultural Research Group’ 2021-2023 https://kaznai.kz/en/sovmestnyi/

The International Research Project “Culture: society, governance and the subject in Kazakh and Hungarian culture (Kazakh and Hungarian culture in the world of globalization)” (Hungary, Sombatheli 2014-2016) in collaboration with KazNAA named after Zhurgenov and the West Hungarian University.

Research project “The place and role of art in the world of globalization” with the International Slavic Intercultural Research Group since 2016 (Hungary, Sombatheli, 2016).

MES RK MO In the Department of Fine Arts of the Institute of Literature and Art named after Auezov 1983 / GF4 “Kazakh ornaments: the interpretation and specifics of the centuries-old fine arts of Kazakhstan” in 2015-2017. In the section of the grant research project “The relationship of theatrical and decorative arts to the Kazakh ornament: phenomenological analysis (1990-2016)” (executive researcher).

MES RK MO In the Department of Fine Arts of the Institute of Literature and Art named after Auezov 1985 / GF4 “Synthesis of art in the artistic culture of Kazakhstan at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries” 2015-2017. on the section “Semantic aspect of Kazakhstan scenography in the synthesis of scenic and audiovisual arts” of the grant research project (executive researcher).

MES RK MO In the Institute of Literature and Art named after Auezov in the Department of Theater and Cinema in 2015-2017 grant research project on “Kazakh art in terms of all-Turkic cultural traditions” in the section “Artistic and technological innovations in scenography in dramatic theaters of Kazakhstan.” by department (executive researcher).


Khalykov, Kabyl Fresli Mihály (szerk.) REFLECTIONS OF UNDERSTANDING ARTISTIC IDEAS AND PERCEPTION OF TEXTS // Preservation, development and integration of the cultural heritage of Hungary and Kazakhstan. Szombathely, 2017.  Savaria University Press. – 378 p.;

Khalykov KZ Human nature in art. Monograph (supplementary and revised). – Almaty: “Proservice Ltd”, 2017. – 188 p.

Khalykov, Kabyl – Fresli Mihály. FEATURES OF DEVELOPMENT OF KAZAKH DRAMA THEATRE AND SCENOGRAPHY IN RECENT YEARS // Cultural Identification: The Problem of Art Studies. Collective monograph.  Szombathely, 2016.  Savaria University Press, Hungaria. – 270 p.;

Khalykov KZ Artistic and technological innovations of scenography in the dramatic theaters of Kazakhstan // Kazakh art in the aspect of all-Turkic cultural traditions. Collective monograph. – Almaty; Izd-vo “Print Express”, 2017. – 418 p .


K. Khalykov. Transformation of Ritual-Celebration and Folklore Traditions In Actor Art. Opción, Año 35, Especial No.21 (2019): 513-530   Coauthor: Zh. Boldykov, M. Zhaxylykova,  (Scopus). Q3  SJR 0.15

M.Zhanguzhinova, S.Kazhaubaeva, K.Khalykov,O.Zhanbyrshiev, T.Koesov. The methodical aspects of distance learning for art’s educational programmes. Society. Integration. Education. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Volume IV, May 28th-29th, 2021. P.735-746. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17770/sie2021vol4.6246 ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus

“Problems of professional training of future teachers in the context of digitalization of education in the RK” “Digital transformation of modern education”. All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Conference with International Participation. Cheboksary, 2020. 13.11. 2020

SREDA Public House. – P.82-86. .(Co-authored with Khalikova K.Z.) RSCI

“The figurative components of integrity in scenography and film design: phenomena, concepts, criteria” // Central Asian Journal of Art Studies. (Co-authored by Baibekova, N. A., Khalykov, K. Z., Singh, M.) 2021, 6( 1), 85–106. https://cajas.kz/journal/article/view/375/272  KOKSON

R. Eldridge’s understanding of art in terms of philosophy of art: modern theories of art. Central Asian Journal of Art Studies. N4 | 2020. – С. 7- 23  KOKSON  https://cajas.kz/journal/article/view/286/245

Globalization as a factor in the intensification of multiculturalism / Magazine “Human World” 2017. 0.68 pp. Co-authors: J.A. Kosherbaev, A.A.Mombek KOKSON

Scenography of Kazakhstan in the philosophy and culture discourse / International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) Volume 1/ Issue 6. September, 2017.  impact factor 2.1187.Coauthor: S.K.Karzhaubayeva

Semiotic aspects of the study of theatrical art / Science and life of Kazakhstan International Scientific pop. magazine. №2 / 2 (45) 2017. 92-95 bb. KKSON Co-author: S.K.Karzhaubayeva

 Reflections оf Understanding Artistic Ideas аnd Perception оf Texts / Preservation, development and integration of the cultural heritage of Hungary and Kazakhstan. Collective monograph. Szombatheli. Hungaria. 2017. – р. 378. 20-36 рр. ISBN 978-615-5251-93-1

Türkі mәdenieti rukhani құndylyқtarynyk әleumettіk- mәdeni negіzderі / “Pavlodar Memlekettіk Universitіn HYBARSHYSY”, Әleumettіk Khylymdar series, №1, 2017. 44-52 bb. ISSN 1811-1815 KKSON

EXPO-2017: Integration of intellectual and cultural space / Science and life of Kazakhstan. Int. Scientific pop. journals №1 (43) 2017. 7-11 bb. Co-author: B.Nusipzhanova KKSON

Professor B.K. Bayzhіgіtov eңbekterіndegі “realism tarihi-әleumettіk aspectіlerіne” madeni-philosophies taldau / VSTNIK ZKGU “, Humanitarian Series, №1 (65), 2017

279-289 bb ISSN 1680-0761 KKSON

Art of the Academy of Arts of the Independent Years / Science and Life of Kazakhstan. International scientific journal. No. 1 (43) 2017. 12-14. ISSN 2073 – 333X CKSON

A new plastic of Kazakh scenography in the play “Tansulu” / Kazakstannyң ғylimy menөmіri. Halykaralyk ғlymi-Kөpshіlіk magazine. №1 (35) 2016. 280-284 bb. Coauthor: S.K. KKSON

Synthesis Art – Aesthetics of Choreography and Scenario / Science and Life of Kazakhstan. International scientific-popular journal №1 (35) 2016. Articles 275-280. ISSN 2073 – 333X

  Co-author: Nusipzhanova BN CKSON

Axiological coordinates of creative value / Science and life of Kazakhstan. Public scientific journal. No. 2/2 (37) 2016. pp. 291-295 Coauthor: Nusipzhanova B.N. CKSON

Problems of scenic illustration of historical performances in theatrical art  / Science and Life in Kazakhstan. Public scientific journal № 3 (46) 2017. 28-31 Co-author: Nusipzhanova B.N. CKSON\

Spiritual Values of the Wisdom of the Wisdom / Sufi Recognition / Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abai, Philology, Series 4 (58), 2016 Series of Philological sciences №4 (58), 2016 CKSON

Historical and cultural foundations of the Kazakh art of the stage art / “Herald of ALMU”, Series of History and Social Sciences, №4 (51), 2016. 104-108 CKSON

The educational essence of speech art and spiritual knowledge / science and life of Kazakhstan. Public scientific journal. No. 5 (41) 2016. pp. 109-114. Co-author: Nusipzhanova BN CKSON

The Human Being As The Philosophical Problem of Arts / Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Series of Philosophy. Series of cultural studies. Political Science Series. № 4 (55) 2016. 268- 277бб. (0,62 ppm). Coauthor: Nussipzhanova BN CKSON

Cultural-world-viewpoint Turkic-Kazakh scenography / Science and Life in Kazakhstan. Public scientific journal. # 5 (32). 2015. 200-204 pp.

Kazakhs National Music Culture On The Phenomenological Approach of Research / Наука и жизнь Каз-на. Interstation N-pop.nr.249-253pp.№1 (28) .2015. Co-author: Nusipzhanova B.N.  KKSON

«Geodistance ‘Ungurtas’ as a contact points between Heaven and Earth»/ ‘Prague Quadrennial of performance Designe and Spase 2015’. Institut umeni – Divadelni ustav/Arts And Theatre Institute, 2015. pp 148-150. ISBN 978-80-7008-350-5

Tendencies toward the formation of the semantic image of the CAPITAL CITY (on the example of Almaty city) / Annales (Series Historia et Sociologia, 2015, (Scopus), 2015, October (Coauthor Maulenova G. )

Ethnocultural aspects in development of the theatre KAZAKHSTAN IN YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE: The problem of being human. FOLKLORE-ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF FOLKLORE (Эстония, ISSN: 1406-0957.Coauthor Nurpeis B.,Maemirov A.Thomson Reuters/Web of science.2015.

Graphic transformations into a modern megapolis architectural environment (Almaty city). International Scientific Conference «Social reconstruction of Europe», 7-8 november, 2013, Bucharest, Romania www.edituralumen.ro; www.edituralumen.com www.edituralumen.ro; www.edituralumen.com. Thomson Reuters/Web of Science (Coauthor Maulenova G. )

Traditional culture and up-to dateness SPACE INTERACTION: artistic and cultural processes in Kazakhstan. International Scientific Conference «Social reconstruction of Europe», 7-8 november, 2013, Bucharest, Romania www.edituralumen.rowww.edituralumen.com. Medimond Monduzzi editore. www.medimond.com. Thomson Reuters/Web of Science (Coauthor Karhzaubaeva S.)

Visualization of religious values ​​by means of cinema. International Scientific Conference «Social reconstruction of Europe», 7-8 november, 2013, Bucharest, Romania www.edituralumen.ro; www.edituralumen.com. Thomson Reuters/Web of Science (Coauthor Sakhamanov A.)

Kazakh dasturli madenieti khazyrgi zamangy korkem-madeni uderister ykpalynda // L.N.Gumilev atyndagy ENU Khabarcysy. -2014. -№9. -27-35 b.

Contemporary Art as a translator of human existence. Materials of  I International Research and Practice Conference ‘Condact of Modern Science – 2014. November 30- December 7, 2014. Science and Education Ltd: Sheffeld, UK. P. 15-20.

The problem of translation and preservation of nomad’s culture in Traditional and Contemporary Art of Kazakhstan. International Scientific and Practice Conference “Modern technologies of revival, preservation and transmission of the cultural heritage of ethnic groups: experience, problems and prospects” within the framework of the All-Russian Open Festival – Competition traditional artistic culture “Etnomiriada.” 25 Оctober 2014.

Choreographia men scenographia tilderinin aesteticalyk tagylymy. ‘Choreographic art of the twenty-first century: theory, practice and future prospects’,’Choreography’ International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Faculty24 – 28 November 2014.

The Art can transforming world and humans. Filosophialyk almanakh. №1. (69). Almaty, 2014. Pp.55-64

Aspecte des menschlichen Seines in der modernen Kasachstans // «Forschung, Innovationen und gesellschaftliche Probleme im Rahmen der Modernisierung Kasachstans», Berlin, 2013. P.88-97. 


Priemy osvoenia prostranstva sceny dlia kompositsii scenographii. BULLETIN d’EUROTALENT-FIDJIP 2013, Volume 1c Editions du JIPTO, 2013. http://academie-concorde.blogspotcom

‘Modern theatre: problems of Performing Arts musical in Kazakhstan’.  Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), a Journal of International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR) Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), Vol. 3, Issue 10 (Jctober 2013), V 4 PP 22-29 e- ISSN 2250-3021; p-22788719. (Coauthor Nurtazin Y.) www.iosrjen.org/…issue10%20(part…/D031042229.pdf

Modern theatre: actor’s musical requirements in the educational process of Kazakhstan. International Research Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, Vol. 2(9)pp. 220-227, October, 2013. DOI: http:/dx.doi.org/10.14303/irjass.2013.067. Copyright © 2013. (Coauthor Nurtazin Y.) www.iosrjen.org/Papers/vol3…/D031042229.pdf

The Highest Art Tasks of the World and Humans Transforming. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology waset.org/programs/Berlin13.pdf‎. 23 May 2013 (Coauthor Begalinova G.).

Kazyrgi ulttyk-tarikhi kybylystar zhane adam bolmysy. Filosophialyk almanakh. №3,4. (51,52). Almaty, 2014. P.49-58.

Kazyrgi zaman onerindegi adam beinesinin manyzy: keipker men korermen. Poisk seria gumanitarnykh nauk. #4/2012. Nauchnyi journal – prilozhenie Mezhdunarodnogo nauchno-pedagogicheskogo journal ‘Vysshaya shkola Kazakhstana’. P.112-118.

Telesnaya intentsialnost: telo kak sozidatelnoe nachalo i predmet issledovania filosofii i iskusstva. Novini Nauchnia Progress-2012. 17-25August 2012. Тоm 3, Sofia ‘Bial GRAD-BG’ ООD. P.53-58.

Adam maselesinin olshem retindegi oner men filosofiadagy karastyrylu kezenderi. Sh. Ualikhanov atyndagy Kokshetau memlekettik universitetinin 50 zhyldyk mereitoiyna arnalgan ‘Shokan tagylymy-16’ atty Khalykaralyk gylymi Practikalyk Conferensia. Tom 1. – Kokshetau, 27-29 April 2012. – P. 401-406.

The Study of the problem of сommunications and dialogue in artistic text in education Ph.D. Mezhdynarodnaya nauchno-practicheskaya conferencia / ‘Issledovanie I sokhranenie kulturnogo nasledia – osnova razvitia doctorantury PhD v obrazovatelnom prostranstve vuzov iskusstva’ 14 December 2011. KazNAA T.Zhurgenov.P. 105-111.

Intentsionaldylyk – adamnyn onerdegi zhasampazdygyn zertteudin konstituivti printsipi. Materialy nauchnogo simpoziuma ‘Turko-slavianskoe kulturnoe vzaimodeistvie: vzgliad iz sovremennosti’. – Almaty. 28 October 2011. P. 442-447.

Kazakhstan na ‘Prage Quadriennale 2011’. Jornal ‘Teatr KZ’. #10(19) October. 2011. P. 28-35

Ethnocultural memory. International festival of “Pragua Quadriennal 2011”. Czech Republic. – 2011. Page 116. www.pq.cz/res/data/333/034907.pdf

Kazirgi zaman onerindegi adam bolmysy. Kazakhstannyn damu ulgisinin filosofoalyk-madeniettamulyk paradigmasy (Kazakh eli-Zheruiyk). Gylymi zhoba.  ‘Kazakh filosofiasy men orkenietinin maseleleri’. Almaty, 2011. P. 510. (P.200-204)

Bytie cheloveka v sovremennom iskusstve: performansy i aktsii. Aktualnye problemy gumanitarnykh i sotsialnykh issledovanii: Materialy 7 Regionalnoi nauchnoi conferensii v oblasti gumanitarnykh i sotsialnykh nauk. Novosibirski Gosugarstvennyi Universitet. – Novosibirsk. 2009. P. 176-180.

Antropologicheskaya problema v sovremennom iskusstve. «Antropotopos» teoreticheskiy zhurnal v oblasti filosofskikh nauk . Vyp. 5-6 . Omsk , 2009. S. 5-16 . http://sociokosmos.ru/anthropotopos/Article/5_6_June_Sept/contents__5_6.html

Telo cheloveka v sovremennom iskusstve (kul’tur-filosofskiy analiz). Aktual’nyye problemy mekhaniki i gornogo mashinovedeniya, razvitiya nauki i integratsii VUZov: Materialy Mezhdu-narodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii. Kyrgyzsko-Uzbekskiy universitet. – Osh, 2009. – 1 (28), chast’ 2.-S.201-211.

Osmysleniye sub’yektnosti i sub’yektivnosti cheloveka v iskusstve. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii. Ukraina.-Drogobich, 2009. – S. 416-425. http://librun.ru/nauka-i-obrazovanie/problema-subektivnosti-v-filosofii-i-kulture-cerebryannogo-veka-15j-vypusk.html

Sushchnost’ cheloveka i yego bytiye v kontekste filosofii kul’tury. Il’m sarchashmalari. Uzbekiston Respublikasi Oliy va orta maxsus Talim vazirligi. Al’- Xorazmiy nomidagi Urgench Davlat Universiteti. Nauchnyy i nauchno-metod. zhurnal . Uzbekistan. – Urgench, 2009. – №3. – S. 40-45 .

Kazírgí zaman өneríndegí materialdyn intentsionaldykˌ sipaty: mədeni-filosofiyalykˌ taldau. «Kaynar» universitetí. Khabarshy. – Almaty, 2009. – №1 / 1 . – 21-26 bb .

Intentsionaldylyktyn Gusserl’ filosofiyasyndaġy ontologiyalanuy. «Adam alemí». filosofiyalykˌ zhane koġamdykˌ-gumanitarlykˌ zhurnal.-2009. – №1 ( 39 ). – 57-63 bb .

Postmodernizmnín өnerdegí alemnín korkem zhane ġylymi beynelenuíne aserí. Al Farabi at. Kazakˌ ullttykˌ univers. 75 zhyldyġyna ar . «Ulttykˌ ideya filosofiyasy» atty khalykˌaralykˌ ġylymi prakt . konf . – Almaty , 2009. – 326-332 bb .

Obraz cheloveka v antichnom iskusstve (na materialakh drevnegrecheskogo i tyurksko-kazakhskogo miroponimaniya). Materialy mezhvuzovskogo sbornika «Problemy istorii drevnego mira i rannego srednevekov’ya». Sankt-Peterburgskiy Guman. universitet profsoyuzov. – Almaty, 2009. -s . 370-384.

Man zhane matín interpretatsiyasy filosofiyalykˌ masele retínde . Mezhd.nauchno – teoret. konf. «Nauka. Filosofiya. Religiya», posv. 80 – letnemu yubileyu KazNPU im.  Abaya i 70-letiyu laureata Gos.Premii dokt.filos.n., professora Murata Sabita, 17-18 oktyabrya 2008 goda, Almaty. – S.203-209.

Stsenografiya-kazírgí zamanġy «syrly өner». “Mədeniyet pen өner dəstүríníң əlem kenístígíndegí sabaktastyġy” atty Khalykˌaralykˌ ġylymi praktikalykˌ konferentsiya. -Almaty, 2008. – 174-178 bb .

Bayzhígítov B.K. shyġarmashylyġyndaġy өner filosofiyasy məselelerí baspa «Ұlttykˌ mədeniyet: dastur men kazírgí uakyt» atty Respublikalykˌ ġylymi-praktikalykˌ konferentsiya materialdary. – Almaty, 2009. – 53-62 bb.

Realizmnín kazírgí zaman oneríne katynasy baspa Mezhd. nauchno-prakt. konf. «Yunesko i izucheniye fenomena Velikogo shelkovogo puti v sovremennom mire», 29 maya 2009 goda, Almaty. – S. 113-117 .

XX ġasyrdyn estetikalykˌ teoriyalary zhane filosofiyalykˌ diskurstyn onerdegí ayshyktary baspa ‘Koġam zhane dauír’. Ġylymi saraptamalykˌ zhurnal. KSZI.- Almaty, 2009. – №3 . – 65-70 bb .

Өner shyġarmasyndaġy zhasaushy adam, keyípker adam zhane kabyldaushy adam baspa Kazakˌ orkeniyetí. «Kaynar» Universitetí. – 2009. – №2 (34). – 108-113 bb.

Kөrkem shyġarmadaġy adam beynesí: boluġa tiístílík pen barlykˌ baspa «Sayasat-politiki». Informatsionno – analiticheskiy zhurnal. – Almaty, 2009. – №6-7. – 85-92 bb.

Kazírgí zaman oneríndegí adam bolmysy maselesíne filosofiyalykˌ taldau baspa Nauchnyy zhurnal «Poisk». Seriya gumanitarnykh nauk. – Almaty, 2009. – №4 . – S.56-69.

Kөrkem shyġarmashylykˌtaġy ozara katynas pen sukhbat baspa Zhurnal «Yevraziyskoye soobshchestvo. Ekonomika. Politika. Kul’tura».- Almaty, 2009. – № 3 ( 67 ). – 153-160 bb.

Bytiye cheloveka v sovremennom iskusstve: performansy i aktsii baspa Aktual’n. probl. guman.nykh i sots.nykh issledovaniy: Mater. 7 Region. nauchnoy konf. v oblasti guman. i sotsial’n. nauk. Novosib.gos.un – t. – Novosibirsk, 2009. – S.176-180.

Kazírgí ulttyk tarikhi madeni protsesterdíң kelbetí // baspa «Duniye zhuzílík filosofiyalykˌ oy damuy konteksíndegí kazak filosofiyasynyn teoriyasy zhane praktikasy» atty O.A. Segízbayevty yeske aluġa arn. Khalykaralyk ġyl. – teor.konf. mat . – Almaty, 22 – kaңtar, 2010 zh . – 276-286 bb.

Kazírgí zaman oneríndegí adam bolmysy maselesí baspa Avtoreferat na soiskaniye uchenoy stepeni doktora filosofskikh nauk // 09.00.13 – Díntanu, filosofialyk antropologiya, madeniyet filosofiyasy. Almaty, 2010. – 40 b.

Adam bolmysy turaly filosofiyalykˌ diskurs: kazakˌ dəstүrlí өneríníң өzíndík yerekshelígí baspa KR Tauyelsízdígínín 20 zhyldyġyna arn «SH.Ualikhanov taġylymy-15» atty Khalykaralyk ġylymi praktikalykˌ konf. Tom 1. – Kokshetau, 21-24 sauír, 2011. – 334-339 bb.

Zhambyl shyġarmashylyġyn zertteu kazakˌfilosofiyasynyn bugíngí maselesí baspa Materialy mezhdunarodnoy prakt. konf. «Zhambyl i epicheskoye naslediye tyurkskikh narodov», posv.165 – letiyu Zhambyla. Almaty, 11-12 aprelya, 2011 g. Str.87-92.

Приемная комиссия