• 25.10.2024

Turankulova Dariga

last name, first name:Turankulova Dariga

Post: Head of the Department of “Stage Speech” at the Kazakh National Academy named after T.K.Zhurgenov,  professor.

Degree:  Professor of Art History

Title:  Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Knight of the Order of “Kurmet”; Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission.

  • Academic and practical experience: Since 1970, she has been a teacher of the Department of “Stage Speech” of the Faculty of “Theatrical Art” at the Kazakh National academy of Art named after T.K.Zhurgenov.
  • Subjects taught: “Stage speech”; “Fundamentals of voice production I, II”; “Fundamentals of stage speech I,II”; “Training of the basics of voice production (stage speech), “Technique of stage language”; “Work on dramatic text”; “Work on literary text (stage speech); “Oratory”; “Work on monologue”, “Stage art”; “Work on the text of the role”.

Creative, research and innovation activities:

  • In 1980-1991 Author and presenter of the program “We go to school”.
  • In 1980-1995.. Chairman of the International Control, Chairman of the trade union organization, Chairman of the Administrative Commission;
  • In 1992. The author and organizer of the headings, open on television, related to the work of poets and writers;
  • On 16.12.1992. She prepared students for the author’s program of the gala concert “The Ring of Ages” held at the Moscow Central Tchaikovsky Concert Hall;
  • In 1993, at the conference of the International Festival in Ufa, she received the Grand Prix for M.Utemisov’s composition “You are not blood, you are a wolf”;
  • In 1996, she opened the Department of “Theatrical Art” at the M. Tulebaev Music College in Semipalatinsk;
  • On 14.11.1998, she organized the Dariga-ai Youth Theater in Semey.
  • In 2008, at the T. Zhurgenov Academy of Arts, she created the youth poetry theater “My Native Language is My Conscience”.
  • In 2010-2013 ..She was the chairman of the O. Bokey Art Reading Competition;
  • In 2010, she organized a creative evening of Professor M.Omarbayeva;
  • In 2011 she was a member of the jury of the International Student Theater Festival named after A. Tokpanov;
  • In 2012 she was the chairman of the traditional republican contest of artistic reading named after N.Zhanturin;
  • In 2012, she was the chairman of the T. Aibergenov Republican Art Reading Contest;
  • In 2012, she organized a creative evening of the People’s Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor M. Bayserkeuly.
  • On 10.10.2016 was held on the 50th anniversary of the creative path of the honored worker of Kazakhstan, “excellence in education” academician, Professor VAK Dariga Turakulova.
  • On 12-16.09. 2016 was Chairman of the jury at the XXIV national festival of drama theaters of Kazakhstan in the framework of the 25th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Aktobe them. T. akhtanov Aktobe regional drama theatre.
  • On 14.09.2016, she was the director of a compositional performance dedicated to the report concert of the Rector of KAZNAI named after T. Zhurgenov B. N.Nusipzhanova, organized on the day of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • On 17.10.2016, she was the director of the compositional play “My Sadness is Love” at the evening in memory of the poet Kenshilik Myrzabek, held at the Kazakh State Academic Drama Theater named after M. Auezov.
  • On 24.10.2016, she was the director of the composition at the creative evening of the poet Muratkhan Shokan “Let the feelings not fade”, held at the Kazakh State Academic Drama Theater named after M.Auezov.
  • On 28.11.2016, she was the director of the composition at the reporting concert of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. K. Zhurgenov, held at the O. Zholdasbekov Palace of Students.
  • On 29.11.2016, she was the director of a compositional production at the festive concert of Akbasav Sayat Kyrgyzbayuly “Kui-music of the past”.
  • On 23.10.2019, she was a member of the jury of the republican children’s contest “Little Singer” on the Khabar channel.
  • On December 30, 2020, on December 1, in honor of the First President’s Day, Zoom held a poetry marathon “Personality and Art”.
  • On 10.20.2021, she was the director of the composition by J. Moldagaliev “I am Kazakh!” dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at the KAZNAI named after T.Zhurgenev.
  • 11.2021. She took part in the presentation of Ongar Kural’s book “How we Speak”, which was held at the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


  • 2002 Kazakhstan school. “Acting and artistic speech”, No. 7 “Culture of the word”. Art in the global cultural and educational space.
  • 2006 International scientific and practical material-Almaty: KazNAI, “Stage speech is the most important facet of speech mastery”
  • 2009 UNESCO and the study of the phenomenon of the Great Silk Road in the modern world: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference-Almaty: KazNAI.
  • 2011.”Poetry of Zhyrau “Epic heritage of the Zhambyl and Turkic peoples: materials of the International scientific and Practical Conference-Almaty: KazNAI.
  • 10.10.2016 RNTC “My native language is my heritage”, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the creative path of the Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, “excellent student of education”, academician of the Koc, Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission Dariga Turankulova. ISBN 978-601-8792-23-7. pp. 177-231.
  • 2016. educational and methodical manual “Program of professional practice and methodological guidelines”. KAZNAI named after T. Zhurgenov. ISBN 978-601-265-213-0.from. 56.
  • 28.03.2017 “The influence of breathing and voice in the work of an actor and their role”, “Theatrical art in the modern era.Theory and practice” MNPC. Alma-Almaty. ISBN 978-601-265-209-3. pp. 80-84.
  • 16.02.2018 G. “Propaganda stage of the works of M. Auezov” Has successfully participated in the 3rd international conference “Science and society”, Canada.With. 20-24 ISBN 978-1-77192-360-6
  • 2.11.2018 G. MNPK “the Value of art expression in the Kazakh theater”, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of T. K. Zhurgenov” Modernization of education, culture and art of Kazakhstan and Central Asia as a unique experience of the transformation of national consciousness.” 1-2. 11. 2018, Pp. 115-120 ISBN 978-601-265-242-0
  • 19.11.2018 MNPK “Trends in the development of modern theatrical art within the framework of the implementation of the program “Rukhani Zhangyru”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Honored Worker of Kazakhstan A. B. Kulbayev, “Peculiarities of pronunciation of the language of works written with the word ” 83-88b.
  • 2018 “Methodical manual on career guidance”, methodical manual. KAZNAI named after T. Zhurgenov, ISBN 978-601-265-290-1.p. 55
  • On 25.10.2019, she participated in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual problems of the development of continuing education:school, college, university – postgraduate education in the field of art”, “The main problems of studying stage speech”.
  • 2020 Moscow. “The value and significance of T. Akhtanov’s creativity ” XLVII MNPK. Journal of Internauka ISSN 2415-8771.

Monographs, textbooks:

  • Stage speech, Almaty, education. 1999 (12 p. l.)
  • – Mastery of the artistic word, A., knowledge. 2001, (10p. l.).
  • – A., education. 2003 (11p. l.).
  • – Stage speech, A., education. 2011 (12 pp.).
  • In 2016, these 4 books were republished in 4 volumes.


  • On 28.12.1990, she was awarded the medal “Veteran of Labor” by the Council of People’s Deputies.
  • 19.12.2000 Badge “Excellent student of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan ” No. 0835;
  • Medal “For Labor Distinction” from 08.12.2006. awarding by Presidential Decree;  
  • 29.12.2008 badge “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” No. 02343;
  • 17.11.2008 Academician of the National Academy of Natural Sciences of Kazakhstan;
  • 29.11.2016. Jubilee medal “25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Certificate No. 06772
  • 25.11.2019. She was awarded the jubilee badge “75 years of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory”.
  • 2019. “Honorary citizen” of the city of Semey. Certificate No. 34
  • 2019. She was awarded the medal of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan “Kindness”.
  • On 21.12.2020, she was awarded the medal “Honored Worker of the Trade Union”.
  • Contact: 87029992268; 87778818111
  • Mail: turankulovadariga@gmail.com
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