• 01.04.2025

Big anniversary of Kadyrkul Andosov


Mar 30, 2022

On March 10, 2022, a solemn concert and presentation of a special issue of Qazaq Ballet Magazine dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the professor, the first dean of the Higher School of Choreography Kadyrkul Andossov took place at the educational theater of the T. K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts.

The journal was published with the support of the Research-Editorial Department, the Choreography Faculty and top management of the T. K. Zhurgenov KazNAA.

Colleagues and students of Kadyrkul Andossov took part in the concert. Congratulatory speeches were made by the vice-rector for scientific work of Kabul Khalykov, acting director of the A. V. Seleznyov Almaty Choreographic College Murat Tukeyev and deputy dean of the Choreography Faculty Gulmira Gabbassova.

The Head of the Research-Editorial Department and Editor-in-Chief of Qazaq Ballet Magazine Damir Urazymbetov presented the content of the journal and the main milestones of the creative and pedagogical path of professor Kadyrkul Andossov. The students presented a small concert program. In response professor thanked the leadership of the academy, the organizers and participants of the concert for a gift for his anniversary and called for the tireless growth of skill. He believes that a teacher should correspond to his high status and be able to find an individual approach to students.

The special issue of the magazine is available in the library of the academy, where anyone who wants to learn about pedagogy and students of Kadyrkul Andossov and the formation of a higher school of choreography in Kazakhstan can get acquainted with it.

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