• 20.01.2025

Dhabykbayeva Meruert Bakitzhanovna

last name, first name: Dhabykbayeva Meruert Bakitzhanovna

Post: Teacher

Degree: Magitra Art History

Contact: mail.ru-  meruertkz@inbox.ru tel. 8 (707) 566 09 06

Academic and practical experience: 14 Years

Subjects taught: “History of Fine Arts”, “Artistic Materials and Technologies of Fine Arts”, “Arts of the Countries of Islam”, “Fundamentals of Pedagogy”, “Methods of Presenting Fine Arts”, “History of Costume”

Creative, research and innovation activities:


• Formation of aesthetic education of the younger generation / Akhaya at.KazNU Khabarshi (Bulletin). No I, Almaty, 2008.

• Magic Patchwork Sewing / Tradition Magazine. Almaty 2013.

• Historical images in the art of monumental sculpture” / Akhaya at. KazNU Khabarssi (Bulletin). No III.2015

• Collection of the international scientific-practical conference “Monumental Images of Kazakh Sculpture”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Askar Tokpanov. November 21-28, 2015. 207b, ISBN 978-601-265-209-3

• “New signature of young sculptors” • International scientific and practical conference “Kazakh and Hungarian cinema and television: self-identification, modernity and heritage history”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of UNESCO 2016

• “Painting of historical images in Kazakh painting (1990-2015) Issues of the history of art at the beginning of the XX-XXI century. Materials of the International scientific-practical conference. Collection dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the department “History and theory of fine arts”. Almaty, April 5-6, 2016, 230b, ISBN 978-601-7283-27-8

• “Steppe Archetype” Bulletin of the National Academic Society of the Republic of Kazakhstan No 2 co-authored by Orazkulova K.S., Dzhabykbaeva M.V., Musabekova M.Z.

• “Historical Images in Modern Kazakh Sculpture” Patriotic potential of the heritage of statuette art. Materials of the international conference. Almaty: ISZH im. Auezova M.O. – P.68-72.


• In 2008 F. Dyusenbayeva, Head of the Department of Culture and Language Development, was awarded a Certificate of Merit for active participation in exhibitions of entrepreneurs on a national scale and a prize for ingenuity.

• In 2013 participated in the International Educational Research Program.

• In 2014, T. Zhurgenov was awarded for advanced training of KazNAO (lecture – for his contribution to Faberge Jewelry and for active and honorable service in organizing public works at the Academy online, demonstrating the best example of distance education in case of an emergency and quarantine in the country, for world pandemic, A. Abdualiev, Almaty 2020.

• May 21, 2020, Certificate of Appreciation. In honor of the Day of Cultural and Art Workers of Kazakhstan, the future society will not be educated intellectuals, but will be able to develop the spirituality of the nation through its creativity.

• 2020, Thank you letter. On the eve of Independence Day, the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan expresses gratitude for your contribution to the implementation of the cultural and educational project “Ulagat Urpus”, which is aimed at the moral, spiritual and cultural development of the younger generation. Minister A.Raimkulova.

• 2021, Thank you letter. For participation in the XIII Republican Subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and active work, he was awarded by a teacher of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.K. Zhurgenov. Rector A.Abdualiev, Almaty 2021.

• 2021 Diploma of the 1st degree. At the XIII Republican student subject Olympiad among universities, specialization 5В041600 “Art History” was awarded to Dzhabykbayeva M.V., who was responsible for the specialization “Art History” for the first place. Rector A.Abdualiev, Almaty 2021.

Contact: mail.ru-  meruertkz@inbox.ru tel. 8 (707) 566 09 06

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