• 04.03.2025

“Modern scientific environment and youth”


Apr 10, 2024

Round table on the topic “Modern scientific environment and youth”,
organized by the Council of Young Scientists and
Student’s Scientific Society

On April 8, as part of SCIENCE WEEK – 2024, a round table was held on the topic “Modern scientific environment and youth,” organized jointly by the Scientific and Editorial Department, the Council of Young Scientists and the Student’s Scientific Society.
The goal is to involve students in postgraduate and undergraduate educational programs in scientific activities.

During the round table, held in offline and online forms, the following reports were made:

  • 1) Bibarys Aybatyruly Seytak, Master of humanities (M.A.), researcher at Nazarbayev University on the topic “Kazak tilinde gylymi content zhasaudagy masseleler”;
  • 2) Shattyk Serikkalikyzy Saduakas, Media journalism, 4th year student of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after Temirbek Zhurgenov on the topic “Artificial intelligence in the cultural industry: trends and ethical aspects”;
  • 3) Alessya Jurt, Chief Executive Officer of “Aaartist” company, Master in Cultural Management and Arts (Liestal, Switzerland), PhD doctoral student at the University of Economics and Business (Warsaw, Poland) on the topic “Development of entrepreneurial competencies of people of Central Asia in the conditions of modern art business: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan”;
  • 4) Pshenaeva Elmira Bolatkhanovna, Master of Fine Arts, senior lecturer of the department of “Sound Engineering and Cinematography”, Kuketov Berik Alpysbaevich, 2nd year doctoral student of the department “Choreographer’s art” on the topic “The Use of Interjections in Art”;
  • 5) Kuralay Bekmakhanova, 2nd year student of the department of “Acting and Directing” on the topic “Human psychology in the art of acting.”

Zhaidary Shakikyzy, a 1st-year student of the EP “Speech Therapy” of the Faculty of Innovative Education at Atyrau University named after Khalel Dosmukhamedov, was unable to make a report on the topic “Inclusive art and defectological well-being: the influence of creativity on personality development” due to problems with the Internet network. However, presentations of all reports are presented below as an appendix to this material.

The round table was attended by teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates, students of the Academy, as well as public figures.

  1. Бибарыс Сейтақ-Қазақ тілінде ғылыми контент жасаудағы мәселелер
  2. Шаттық Сәдуақас-artificial intelligence & machine learning
  3. Алеся Юрт_Развитие предпринимательских компетенций
  4. Жайдары Шакиқызы-Инклюзивті өнер дефектологиялық әл-ауқат шығармашылықтың жеке дамуға әсері_compressed
  5. 5-1.Берик Кукетов-Одағай сөздердің өнерде алатын орны
  6. 5-2.Эльмира Пшенаева-Одағай сөздердің өнерде алатын орны
  7. Бекмаханова Куралай-Адам психологиясы театр өнерінде_compressed_compressed

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