• 25.10.2024


1) Educational programs
2) Information about the scientific school Scenography
3) Achievements of the Department
4) Teaching staff
5) Accreditation

The Scenography chair 1978 year was founded. More than 500 graduates in stage production, costume and make-up artists received scenographical education. The Scenography’ alumnus are working successfully in theaters, cinema and television in Kazakhstan and all over the world.

The preparation of the leaners is carried out by the following educational trajectories of Scenography: «Multimedia scenography», «Art Director of Film and Television», «Make-up of the theater of cinema and television».

The exact entry requirements for all Scenography programs includes creative entrance exams in Drawing, Painting and Composition.

The Art programs in Scenography contains degrees: bachelor, master and doctorate.

The duration of study in three Scenography programs consists:

  • four years for bachelor’s degree;
  • two years for master’s degree;
  • three years for doctoral degree.

Students with special art education after college can enroll into an abbreviated three-year program into the applied bachelor’s degree.

The learning outcomes of the program «Multimedia Scenography» is the creation of digital scenery for the theater, spectacular large-scale events, such as the Olympics, Expo exhibitions, for concerts at stadiums, and exhibitions on television.

The learning outcomes of the program «Art Director of Film and Television» is the visualization of dramaturgy for cinema, television productions. A wide range of possibilities of these program provides great opportunities for future graduates for work on feature films, projects, and advertising.

The learning outcomes of the program «Make-up of the theater of cinema and television» provide opportunities for future graduates to work in film industry projects, theatrical activities and advertising campaigns and in the beauty industry.

In the studying process students annually visit the museum practice in the various countries (Italy, France, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Korea, China, Russia, Uzbekistan and many other countries), participate in prestigious international competitions and festivals.

Our students actively participate in various competitions, festivals, exhibitions and art projects. Such kind of creative laboratory, an experiment, a concentrated collection of emotional impressions and an opportunity to demonstrate student’s searches in area of ​​art.

Since 2011, for the first time, Kazakhstan has been presented at the Prague Quadrennial by the creative works of students of the Scenography chair. As well as students of the Scenography under the guidance of teachers successfully participated in 2015, 2019. In 2023 for the fourth time, Scenography chair will participate in the international stage performance competition.

Every year students have opportunity for academic mobility within one academic semester at prestigious universities in the world in: Poland, Korea, Russia, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Estonia, Germany and other countries.

Today, graduates of the Scenography chair work successfully in theaters, cinema, on television, in creative associations, educational institutions of the home country and all over the wold: in the People’s Republic of China, Russia, Germany, Israel, Canada, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

At the origins of the opening of the chair were the graduates of local and foreign art universities – Suleev Duysen Tokbergenovich, Ayapbergenov Amangeldy Baitanatovich, Tuyakov Yesengeldy Zhumagulovich. The first head of Scenography chair was Suleev Dyuysen Tokbergenovich. Over the years, the department was headed by the «Honored Art Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan», the main artist of the KNaTOB named after Abai, Professor Zhanbyrshiev Orynbasar Zheksenovich and Professor, Doctor of Philosophy Halykov Kabyl Zamanbekovich, Doctor of Art, Professor Karzhaubaeva Sangul Kamalovna.

Today, the chair is a recognized as a leader in the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of theatrical and decorative arts. Well-known theater artists generously share the secrets of mastery with novice artists:

• Tuyakov Yesengeldy Zhumagulovich – «The honored Worker of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan», holder of the Order «Kurmet», II degree;

• Zhanbyrshiev Orynbasar Zheksenovich – «Honored Art Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan», chief artist of the KNaTOB named after Abai;

• Kurmanbekov Sabit Kurmanbekovich – «Honored Worker of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan», chief artist, stage producer, Art director;

• Khalykov Kabyl Zamanbekovich – Professor, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences;

• Karzhaubayeva Sangul Kamalovna – Professor, Doctor of Arts;

• Zhanguzhinova Meruyert Yerkenovna – Phd, Associate Professor;

• as well as theorists and practitioners in the field of modern, historical, traditional and theatrical costume and make-up.

Tutors of the chair are leading masters of Scenography in Kazakhstan.  Students are regularly hold joint exhibitions of creative works, reflecting the breadth of the range of creative searches, a variety of stylistic devices and manners, united by theater.

The chair is proud of the achievement of significant results, both in the field of improving higher special education, and in terms of creative and scientific growth of the teaching staff, in training specialists in the field of art and culture, and in general, in the steady development of the national art school of Kazakhstan.

The commonwealth of brave ideas of well-known figures of Kazakh art and young tutors, the rich experience of recognized masters and the professional growth of youngers – that is what the Department of Scenography is today.

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