• 13.03.2025

“They live for today, I live for the future”


Nov 15, 2021

On November 8, 2021, on the initiative of the Faculty of Theater Arts and the Scientific and Editorial Department, a round table “They live for today, I live for the future” was held dedicated to the activities of the great teacher of our people Akhmet Baitursynuly. This event was held as part of the scientific week from November 8 to 14.

The moderator of the event in a mixed format was the senior lecturer of the Department of “Stage Speech” Asylbek Ihsanov. Within the framework of the evening, as guest speakers were: famous historian, writer, Alash scholar Beibit Koishybai; literary critic Aigul Isimakova; director of TSUM “Language-instrument” director of the house-museum A. Baitursynuly, associate professor of KazNU named after Al-Farabi, Ph.D. Rayhan Imakhanbet; director of the series “Akhmet.Teacher of the people” Murat Eszhan. Students, teachers, who listened with interest to the guests’ report, witnessed an unsolved historical mystery. During a lively discussion, Aubakir Rakhimov, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. K. Zhurgenov, shared his impressions about A. Baitursynov.

The event ended with the closing speech of the Dean of the Faculty of Theater Arts, PhD Elik Nursultan.

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