FULL NAME: Turdalieva Bakytzhan Kakiyevna |
Position: Head of the “Organization and monitoring of the educational process” service, Professor of the “Stage Speech” Department |
Degree: Master of Arts (2012) |
Title: Professor (AK), 2015 |
Academic and practical experience: 18
Subjects taught:
Stage speech I, Stage speech II, Fundamentals of Stage speech I, Fundamentals of Stage Speech II, Technique of Stage speech I, Technique of Stage speech II, Work with monologue I, Work with monologue II, Work on the text of the performance I, Work on the text of the performance II.
Creative, research and innovation activities:
- 1. Composition of poems and works of the poet for the literary and musical evening “When the wolf was God” dedicated to the 50th anniversary of A.Balkybek. 4.11.2019.
- 2. In honor of the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev. Composition on Abai’s poems performed by students for a concert at the Palace of Students named after Zholdasbekov 22.11.2019.
- 3. The composition of the poet’s poems at the evening in memory of E. Zhakypbekov “Where are you in a hurry in your 60s? 11.02.2020.
- 4. Meeting with poet Maraltai Ybrayev and Galim Zhailybai. Composition of new poems by poets 12.04.2021.
Participation in the work of academic councils, commissions, committees:
Member of the Academic Council of KazNAI named after T.Zhurgenov, member of the educational and methodological Council, member of the commission of the monitoring group of the Academy, member of the working group on updating educational programs and the expert commission, member of the Union of Theatrical figures of Kazakhstan.
Articles at international and republican scientific and practical conferences:
- -“Stage speech is a part of acting” Hungary 2016
- -“Formation of speech culture” Almaty 2016
- -“Features of working with text” Hungary 2017
- – “The main instrument of performing art is the word.” Ukraine 2017
Co-authored /article/:
- -“Kauken Kenzhetaev – giant of Kazakh art” author’s collective:B.K.Nurpeis, B.K.Turdalieva. International Scientific Journal /VAK/ №6 (50). 13. 2017.
- – International scientific and methodological conference “Methodological foundations of teaching public speaking” (School – College – University) Turdalieva B., Belzhanova K., Almaty 2019.
- -“Working with a monologue in drama” Turdalieva B., Belzhanova K. Almaty..2021.
“Fundamentals of stage speech” (textbook) 2015.
Collective collections:
- -At the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, test questions on stage speech in the Kazakh language ,
- – Member of the team of authors of the modular educational program developed within the framework of the educational program “Artist of the conversational genre” .
- -The educational and methodological complex of the discipline “Stage speech” has been developed (co-authored);
- 1. 2011 director D.Omirbayev “Student” hood.film (participation of the film in France at the Cannes Film Festival) Toronto, Busan, Tokyo.
- 2. 2014. “I want to be a star” TV series (Khabar TV channel)
- 3. 2015 The TV series “Cherished Dream” directed by A.Drannikov.
- 4. 2015 TV series “The reverse side: A child deprived of affection” (Astana TV channel) 2017 director A. Tashov.
- 5. 2018 “The Return” directed by D. Tulegenov. TV series (Kazakhstan TV).
- 6. 2021. “Togzhan” TV series, directed by B.Kenishbay and A.Sakhaman /B.Shibikeev
- 7. 2021 “Fortune Teller” TV series K.Mustafin
Achievements of students from international, republican competitions and Olympiads 2011-2022:
Zhubanaev Nyshanbek, Zhanabekov Olzhas, Meruert Nurolla, Zhunisov Baglan, Bayserik Bakhtiar, Mametekov Elshat, Zhanibek Ashimzhan, Daniyar Zhetpisov.
- 1. Certificate of the Jubilee Medal “20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan” by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 10, 2011 No. 04786;
- 2. Certificate of the Jubilee Medal “25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan” by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 29, 2016 No. 23924;
- 3. Certificate of the Jubilee medal “30 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan” by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 2, 2021 No. 21412;
- 4. “Certificate of Honor”. Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan 21.05.2021
Contact details:
- Address: Almaty
- Phone: 8-727-272 63-62
- E – mail: bakitzhan_66@ mail.ru