• 28.03.2025

Faculty of Choreography

Gabbasova Gulmira Nadymovna


Zhumagalieva Aigul Muratovna

Deputy Dean

Information about the Faculty of “Choreography”

The faculty of “Choreography” was formed in 1994. The faculty of has two departments:

1) “Pedagogy of Choreography”

2) “Ballet Master’s Art”

At the faculty of “Choreography” there are 4 directions of training:

1) Pedagogy of choreography

2) Pedagogy of modern choreography

3) Pedagogy of sport ballroom dance

4) Ballet Master’s Art

In the formation of the faculty and the formation of pedagogical and ballet school participated maestros of choreographic art Abirov D. T., Ayukhanov B. G., Raibaev Z. M., Tleubaev M. J., Kusherbaeva S. I., Andosov K. N., Nauryzbaeva S. A., Zhakipova K. M., Malbekov E. J., Shubladze O. B. The pupils of R. Zakharov, M. V. Vasilieva-Rozhdestvenskaya, T. S. Tkachenko, N. I. Tarasov, M. T. Semenova passed on their knowledge of the theory and methodology of teaching choreographic disciplines, the art of ballet master and choreography direction. The continuity of generations, reflection of knowledge continues the modern generation of teaching staff of the faculty of “Choreography”. The faculty has a scientific and creative laboratory, Asian Student’s Dance Theater. Students of the faculty take an active part in international competitions, subject Olympiads, take prizes. The Faculty of Choreography is a member of the International Dance Council (CID) of UNESCO.


Training of qualified specialists who know the methodology and technology of teaching choreographic disciplines. Having a set of knowledge, skills and abilities for independent practical pedagogical, creative and scientific-methodical activities in accordance with the current level of development of choreographic art. Formation of conditions for the versatile development of individual personality traits of students through the study of various directions in choreography.

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