• 25.03.2025

Department of “Musical Theater”

Educational programs

Professorial and teaching staff

Department of Musical Theater

       The Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts has been training musical theater actors since 1979. The founder of the department of Musical Comedy and its first head was the People’s Artist of the USSR, professor, director, soloist of the Kazakh National Opera and Ballet Theatre after Abay K.K.Kenzhetaev. Together with the famous master of the opera stage Kauken Kenzhetaev, teachers actively participated in the formation of the department: Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Rakhilyam Abdrakhmanovna Mashurova, Professor Yesim Zhukenovich Segizbayev, Gizatova Gulnara Bisengaliyevna, Nina Tarasovna Radchenko, Dorokhova Polina Mikhailovna, Professor Maksut Orazovich Zhunusov.

      Some of the first graduates of the department are now well-known artists – People’s Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Roza Rymbaeva, Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mayra Ilyasova, Honored Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan: K.Bekish, A.Mambetova, K.Begaidarova, G.Tleubekova, M.Omarbekova.

      Currently, the name of the department is Musical Theatre. The department prepares future specialists in the Educational Program of Acting, specializing in musical theater artist.

      People’s Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor, director E.N. Obaev work at the department; Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor, director N. Zhakypbay; Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, director Y.Shamiev; Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, PhD, professor, director A.M. Mayemirov; Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Z.Sh. Sirgebaeva; Artistic director of the Astana Musical State Theater, PhD, director E. Nurtazin; PhD, director A. Sakhaman; PhD doctor, director E.N. Nursoltan; Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Laureate of the Youth Union of Kazakhstan “Serper” E. Dairov; famous theater and film actors: A. Mazhit, M. Rakhmet; Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Professor E.S. Sultangalieva; Ph.D., Professor D.O. Karamoldayeva and others.

One of the main criteria for the quality of the department’s work is the achievements of graduates.

      The department is proud of its graduates, who make a great contribution to the development of science, culture and art of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Among them: Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Uteuilov; Doctor PhD, holder of the Order of “Kurmet” K. Bolmanov; Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of the state prize “Daryn” A. Imanbaeva; Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan B.B. Aitzhanov; Artistic director of the State Theater Astana Musical, PhD, director Y. Nurtazin; PhD, director A. Sakhaman; Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Laureate of the Youth Union of Kazakhstan “Serper” E. Dairov; Laureate of the Youth Union of Kazakhstan “Serper” A.Shayakhmetov; laureate of the state prize “Daryn”, singer B. Korgan; Laureates of the state youth award “Daryn”: A. Otepbergen, A. Tolepov and others.

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